"....Contact your local Sheriff and encourage them to file a formal complaint if they themselves have been threatened and thank them for standing up for our 2nd Amendment rights...."

Share if you agree, and send it to your own County Sheriff, as well. Constitutionalist County Sheriff Terry Maketa in Colorado Springs, explains some behind-the-scenes information indicating that some Democrat U.S. Senators have INAPPROPRIATELY PRESSURED/THREATENED County Sheriffs concerning the support the Senate is NOT getting for the passage of any Unconstitutional Gun Control law. So far, Unconstitutional Requirements/Provisions will NOT be supported by the Constitutionalist Sheriffs of America. Think about this: Police Chiefs are NOT elected; County Sheriffs ARE elected representatives and protectors of County Citizens--the Executive Officers in their Counties. Common Law: It underlies Constitutionalist principles embedded in the U.S. Constitution. Gun Control Laws: "It's about Control of People."

19:55 Min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHzx3ZyXRWw&feature=player_embedded

CO Sheriff Speaks Out Against Democrats' Threats - 3/9/2013

"On 740 AM KVOR radio this morning Sheriff Terry Maketa stated, in short, that the Sheriffs of Colorado are being threatened, extorted and blackmailed for speaking up for our 2nd amendment rights. These threats are being initiated by the Democratic party and possibly all the way to the top of the party from Senators. The door is open for both state and federal investigation for possible charges...."

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  • From what I hear this kind of stuff is going on all around the country. Many of the County Sheriffs are speaking out and defending the Constitution and the Second Amendment rights of the people. We need to be aware of what our local county sheriff's position is and will be when TSHTF. This article is correct in more than one respect, the doors have been opened for criminat investigations and charges against these polititions who are threatening sheriffs if they do not comply.

    PFA members must know and understand that our local County Sheriffs are our last line of defence. Do not dismiss them and do not take it as a given state of affairs that these men and women are automatically just another part of this currupt government. These people are members of your communities, and most of them will stand with the people they were elected to serve. And NOT with the federal government.



    • Thank you for adding insight to this very important issue, RP.  Your statement that the article/video is correct in more than one respect is very important for everyone to understand.  THERE IS groundwork for CRIMINAL investigations/charges against the U.S. Senators and others who have "pressured" County Sheriffs across America, concerning what "could" happen if they do not comply.

      We are now officially on the front lines of the greatest conflict in America since the Civil War.  This is even greater in significance today than either the American Revolution of 1776 or the Civil War of 1861.  It involves an international attempt by totalitarians of any "stripe" who intend to enslave humanity, returning to stone-age power over the people in essence. What happened in Egypt, Syria, Libya and what is being pressed against Israel, and similar internal conflicts on the horizon pointing at Turkey in the Middle East, can also be sparked right here in America, because of the immigration situation over decades that has changed the way our U.S. government does things at all levels, not only the Federal level.  Their suspected goal:  first make the U.S. Constitution irrelevant by "walking around it"; then use policy, rather than Constitutional law, to establish and enforce CONTROL over citizens of America, and also secretly provide for what? (internment camps?)  The evidence is out there already, and if the federal government doesn't know now, will soon know who the U.S. dissidents are, who will not stand still and take this anymore....

      As you said, RP, our local County Sheriffs are our last line of defense--right where we LIVE.  It is NOT a conspiracy theory once one analyzes all the separate but related facts and scenarios that individual citizens have uncovered and shared as of now already.  It's important for citizens to let their County Sheriffs KNOW if they know where their Sheriff stands on such matters that may involve a future disaster affecting every citizen of their County.   GET informed, and communicate clearly with others who know how to network with County Sheriffs across America. 

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