COIN is dead and our soldiers are dying with it

Bouhammer's Military Blog

Penned by Troy Stewart

Yes I think it is safe to assume that the practice of COIN doctrine in Afghanistan is officially dead. It did not produce the results that everyone hoped for  (remember HOPE is not a method), and if anything it may have cost a few more lives.

I remember when the Petraeus took over CENTCOM and there was talk of trying to implement the same Anbar Awakening concept that was successful in Iraq, over in Afghanistan. I expressed serious doubts then that it would work. I have said time and time again that Afghanistan is not Iraq and never would be. I have given that line in presentations, interviews and on this blog and other blogs. The people of Afghanistan are nowhere near what the people of Iraq are like.

I have word now that the famed COIN Academy in Kabul is now shutting down in about 5 months. So does that mean that everyone has learned and mastered it? Or does it mean they realize it isn’t making a difference. I think it is the latter.

I also feel that the rash of murders of our soldiers by our friends and allies, the Afghans, has put the final nail in the coffin of COIN. Our soldiers look at every Afghan now with a more suspicious eye than ever before. There are bases in Afghanistan that used to not allow soldiers to walk about with a loaded magazine in their weapon, telling soldiers to have a full loaded mag all the time. It is truly going to hell in a handbasket and over there and soldiers all over are talking about “what if” and different contingencies if the Afghans were to turn on them.

Of course this makes for a very dangerous situation, because a benign action or movement on part of afghan could result in a soldier shooting and killing them  because of nervousness. I am not saying that is a bad thing, I am just saying that could result in increased violence, especially off base and feed the enemies I/O machine.

Our soldiers are dying, they are dying at the hands of our “friends” faster than at the hands of our enemies over the last week (I heard that from a friend today). Two more soldiers were killed yesterday ( and there are reports of more attacks on US Soldiers today.

It is done people, we may be there through 2014 (or maybe just 2013 from some reports I have heard), but I can tell you the ability to effectively mentor and train these security forces is pretty much finished. The attacks over the last week are in the heads of every soldier over there and those on the way over there. It will take more time than we are planned to be there to erase those memories and allow US soldiers to have the trust they once had.

In the words of H.L. Mencken “Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.”

I think that is what some of our soldiers are feeling right now.

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  • This really drives home just how important it is to have a "Commander in Chief".  Our military has been without one for over three years now.  If anyone mentions Barak Obama to me as CIC, I hope they are not standing in front of me because I will spit in their face.  Obama has caused more unnesessary death than any President America has been infected with.  He simply has no respect for our troops, our country,  or our people.   I know for certain I have nothing but comtempt for the guy and what he has caused the entire world.  How he can even get out of bed in the morning is beyond me, knowing he is the greatest failure and joke the world has ever seen.  I just hate the fact that he had to be our President and shed his shame on my country.

    • that is just the point, Art.  He gets out of bed every morning thinking he is the greatest thing since sliced bread...That is what a narcissist does...

  • I hope they cover the desert sands with the desert rats blood.  I was raised in Dearborn the largest  conclave of desert rats.  An I can say from experience they have remained ignorant, uneducated, filthy, lying deceitful bags of scums, the woman and children are still treated like garbage; they do not have any loyalty to the United States; disrespectful to anyone not a desert rat.  I say they should all be sent to hell as fast our military can send them. 

    • When did they all arrive in Dearborn?  Who let them in?  I would love to see them all sent back where they came from.  We need to get all our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan - stop all foreign aid - shut down all the muslim schools in the US since the only thing they do is spew more hatred and indoctrinate the young.  Homegrown terrorists?  Strip them of their US citizenship and deport them to the country of their choice where muslims are welcome. The ACLU, the NAACP and the right reverend Al Sharpton can blow it out their ears.

      • That's been a quiet 25 year old initiative..It's an infestation.

    • DEBBIE SCHLUSSEL - - A Great Point of Contact for this theme in Michigan - -  And she's got a Goody to start off her page today.  Give her and Annie Barnhardt a couple of Louisville Sluggers and  - -LOL , They'd Knock 'em Outa the Park.  

      EXCLUSIVE: “All-American Muslim” Stars Caught by DHS Smuggling Pot Into US


  • Get our troops out of the fecal pit known as Afghanistan!!  The entire effort was doomed when Barack Obama, Aka Barry Soetoro was elected as commander-in-chief!!  What a terribly sad and tragic outcome after so much American blood and treasure has been squandered!!  Not one more American should be put in harms way for these worthless heathens!! 

  • COIN may be dead but there is a Think Tank or two that want to keep it alive. Even if it is old doctrine when used correctly in the right situation and you have a State Department holding up its end of the job Ok. But you cannot and must not put all of COIN on the Military.

    CNAS anyone?

    Center for a New American Security now what a catchy title. If it is new it must be good :-(


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