Col. Jim Harding will be on Andrea's show tomorrow night talking about the VDA Operation in DC 11.11.11. The show starts at 9:00 pm ET. There is a chatroom at the show, you will be able to chat and ask questions only if you are registered at BTR.

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Veterans are caling for the resignation or impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama Joseph Biden and every member of the Obama Administration. Vets are headed to W Oct 20

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  • Come on Katy...I don't much care what Obama thinks...have you seen veterans, tea party, patriots, who are law abiding, constitutional focused get violent?  Of course not.  Now, if we're attacked then you can bet your a... that we will defend ourselves.  And I can tell you there are no OWS or other slimballs that have the training that veterans have in dealing with difficult situations.

    Do we want any violent confrontations?  Of course not....but I'll be damned if I surrender my constitution rights to be where I want be in a legal manner because some violators of the law might not like what I stand for......Obama included...let's face it Obama is nothing more than an ordinary citizen...the same rights, obeys the same laws as all the rest of us.  He happens to occupy the White House.....that gives no special priviledge when it comes to obeying the law.....

    It's time we stop thinking of what we can't do and start exercising our God given rights to stand up for our nation.....


  • I am committed to do a Veterans Day Service, but intend to be in deep prayer, for the peaceful restoration of our Christian Republic November 10-11, 2011-being a Veteran of Veterans, Father of Veterans; and not least on Active Duty in the Army of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  • +10 Twana! ☺
  • We have been telling everyone for years our nation is crumbling from within.......what more evidence does patriotic Americans that love our constitution need? I won't insult your intelligence by documenting the travesty occurring everyday in Washington in violation of our Constitution.

    Nearly every day I think what can be in the minds of people demonstrating in New York and other places against what America stands for? ...they hate capitalism?  Why?  Capitalism has propelled America to the greatest nation in the world, saved us from World dominstion; ensured freedom and liberty, for over 230 years.....and these people want to change that for socialism/communism that has failed miserably in every instance? 

     What can be more important that showing our colors in D.C. on Veterans Day as evidence we're here to stay and capitalism, freedom and liberty is worth fighting for.....if we don't show up in D.C. in huge numbers I'm convinced the socialist/communist will confirm we are nothing but talk, talk, talk....

    In a discussion with Twana today, she mentioned the 3% that were in favor of our Founding Father's action against the British. I hope to God we have more than 3% of America that can see the threat facing our nation and are now willing to commit to whatever it takes to ensure our liberty and freedom.

    We can continue to say "let someone else do it"  or in a word......surrender.  Not me, not now, not ever....

  • Great program tonight. Hope a lot of Americans heard it.
  • Col Harding nailed it tonight.........God help ears to hear and "boots to walk".........
  • Great Show!

    I just got off the show, it was an Honor to hear Col, Harding and I have been spreading this as far and wide as I am capable.

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