Confirmed; ISIS camp in Mexico

Mexican and US authorities have confirmed the existance of an ISIS training camp south of El Paso Texas.

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm

Welcome to Obama's New Hope and Change, Fundamental Transformation of America.

And don't even try to tell me that 'Community Organizer" had nothing to do with any of this mess.

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  • Now that the report is confirmed what is the government of Mexico and the United States doing about it. They left that part out.
    • That terrain down there is exactly the same as it is in south west Texas.
      So how does the military train to operation in that environment? Jade Helm 15 perhaps ?????

      Just saying. It's a possibility.

      But they would have to do it without the Obama administration knowing it.

  • Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funded ISIS Through Swiss Bank Accounts

    #CIA #ISIS #Swiss #Accounts #Drug #Trafficking #Congress #Corruption #Money #Laudering #Michael #Hastings #Terrorism #Murder #Assassination #Homeland #Security #Military #Special #Operations #Booz #Hamiliton

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    Special Ops Officer Blows Whistle on CIA Funded ISIS Through Swiss ...

  • And now we get this from the Pentagon;

    — The Pentagon has a message for Texas: chill.

    Defense officials Monday dismissed as “wild speculation” an Internet-fueled claim that a massive summertime exercise called Jade Helm 15 for special operations commandos is a covert operation by President Barack Obama to take over Texas.

    YUP,,,,,, Nothing to see here people, just move along,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I don't care what anybody says,,,,,,, I do NOT trust this Obama administration.

    I'm NOT afraid of our Military, General Boykin says his men are loyal Americans. And I'll take him at his word.
    But I will Never trust this administration.

    You should also be aware that Mr. Cass Sunstein, (Obama White House Counsel for Regulatory Affairs) is known and has stated that they will employ diversions and false information to create hysteria and confusion.

    He's doing his job very well.

    • Interesting analysis from Brandon Smith, Personal Liberty:

      • Interesting perspective indeed.

        I would also point out the scheduled dates and time period for this JH-15 operation; July 15th, thru Sept 15th.

        Now nothing ever happens around here on Sept 11th,,,,,,,,,, or does it !!???

        Interesting indeed.

  • Rep. Louie Gohmert speaks about Jade Helm and mentions the ISIS terrorists at our border:

  • Poke the bear;
    That term is for the most part self explanatory. You poke a bear and he's going to react, and probably attack and rip your head off. Only a fool would deliberately poke a bear, unless of course he WANTS that bear to respond.
    The term has recently been applied to the "Draw Mohammed" cartoon meeting in Dallas/Garland TX this past weekend. Why do it unless you WANT the response that they got? (That one was ok by me by the way).
    But this Jade Helm 15 thing might be precisely the same tactic. Washington Poking the Texas bear.
    I know places around here that will not take kindly to any presence of the Military walking down the street at 3:00am. Even if they don't knock on any doors or try to confiscate any weapons. All they have to do is show up and look like a Spec-Ops swat team and things will get nasty real fast.
    Poke the Bear and when he reacts or attacks, then you have a perfect excuse to attack and confiscate all civilian weapons. Then declare Martial Law.

    Game ON.
    Would this Obama administration attempt such an obvious move and put our Military, and citizens, in harms way right here in our own country?
    Would this Obama administration deliberately set this up to provoke an attack?
    Does a Bear shit in the woods?
    I think we've figured out what Jade Helm 15 is all about.

    • Agree - whether they do it during Jade Helm or hold off until they can start enough race riots will depend entirely on their cost/benefit ratio!

      • Remember the Governments Fast-N-Furous? This was the exercise where the Feds gave and sold American 'Assault' rifles to the Mexican drug cartels so they could subsequently blame Americans for all the guns and weapons entering Mexico. The idea was to set things up so they had a good excuse to ban all weapons, and then even lead an all out confiscation of American guns.
        So what is the next step in that same process? Try to provoke some dumb ass Red Neck Rebel to pull the trigger against an American Military soldier just doing his duty in a "training" exercise.

        I think we've figured out what Jade Helm 15 is all about.

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