
Congressional plan would take U.S. out of U.N.

Proposal cancels any financial support, bans military from serving under its command

Published: 22 hours ago

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/10/United-Nations-flags.jpg

United Nations flags

In the aftermath of a United Nations resolution declaring Jewish settlements in the West Bank illegal came a call for the United States to withdraw from participation in the international body and its one-world agenda.

The U.N. resolution was implicitly approved by the Obama administration, which declined to use America’s veto power to stop it.

Among the reactions was an online petition calling for the U.S. to halt support for the U.N. and expel its headquarters from American soil.

Now Congress is considering a plan that would accomplish several of those objectives, removing the United States from the U.N., banning any continued financial support, barring American military members from serving under U.N. command and removing the diplomatic immunity of U.N. officials.

Sign the petition that urges President Trump and Congress to take t...

The bill is the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2016, H.R. ... sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala.

According to the congressional description, it would repeal “the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 and other specified related laws.”

“The bill requires: (1) the president to terminate U.S. membership in the United Nations (U.N.), including any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body; and (2) closure of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations,” it explains.

“The bill prohibits: (1) the authorization of funds for the U.S. assessed or voluntary contribution to the U.N., (2) the authorization of funds for any U.S. contribution to any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (3) the expenditure of funds to support the participation of U.S. Armed Forces as part of any U.N. military or peacekeeping operation, (4) U.S. Armed Forces from serving under U.N. command, and (5) diplomatic immunity for U.N. officers or employees.”

Check out the Big List of leaders calling for the U.S. to defund th...

Blogger Lance Schuttler wrote at the ZeroHedge website: “Regardless of one’s beliefs or opinions on the U.N. being a front for a new world order, this bill is a direct and bold move against the elites’ plans. For any nation to reclaim true sovereignty from the United Nations is setting a powerful example for the rest of the world. It sends a message that a country does not need a global government body, but instead can run itself without global oversight.”

He continued, “Essentially, if the U.S. reclaimed sovereignty from the United Nations, it would be the equivalent of what Britain did by reclaiming its sovereignty from the European Union … times 10.”

Rogers told AL.com: “The U.N. has attempted a number of actions which aimed to encroach on the rights granted to U.S. citizens under our Constitution. Most recently, the U.N. Security Council sided with Palestine and passed a resolution condemning Israel’s settlements in Jerusalem. Attacks against one of the United States’ greatest allies are just the most recent chapter in the U.N.’s dangerous agenda. I believe our involvement in the U.N. is a waste of taxpayer dollars.”

At ZeroHedge, the report continued, “Perhaps the biggest revelations to come from such news would be the eventual exposure of the level of theft, deception and criminal activity done by the registered corporation known as The United Nations (yes it is a registered corporation).”

Sign the petition that urges President Trump and Congress to take t...

WND reported at the time of the resolution that the U.N. already had voted more times to condemn Israel, America’s close ally in the Middle East and the region’s only true democracy, than all the other nations of the world combined.

The U.N. also adopts policies to override national law and advocate for abortion. It routinely appoints nations with questionable records on human rights, such as Angola and Senegal, to its Security Council. It threatens Americans’ constitutional rights through its Arms Trade Treaty and even parental rights through its Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The petition declares the U.S. should withdraw, stop paying the nearly one-fourth of the organization’s budget now funded by U.S. taxpayers, and even expel it from America.

“We further urge [President] Donald J. Trump and the Republican Congress to declare all United Nations resolutions, treaties and other explicit and implicit commitments to be no longer binding on the United States and violations of American sovereignty. … We urge President-elect Donald J. Trump and the Republican Congress to use all available means to encourage allies of the United States and Israel to withdraw from the United Nations and withhold all funding and official recognition from that organization.”

There apparently is a surging number of people who agree that the U.N., at least, deserves defunding. Several would go way beyond that.

David Greenfield at FrontPage Magazine wrote: “The United Nations does only two things consistently and effectively: waste money and bash Israel. Sometimes it manages to do both at the same time.”

He pointed out that for its money, the U.S. gets a U.N. email system that was “used to distribute child pornography … U.N. staff members have smuggled drugs, attacked each other with knives and pool cues, not to mention a tractor.”

Greenfield also mentioned bribery cases.

Defunding is “something that we and every sane country should have done decades ago.”

“If you give money to the U.N., it will end up anywhere and everywhere except where it’s supposed to go. But defunding the U.N. isn’t enough. There is no reason for us to remain there at all.”

He finished: “We should defund and withdraw. … The billions we waste on the U.N. will go toward taking care of our people. And once we are free of the U.N., we will actually be able to promote real human rights instead of pandering to the dictators and Islamists of the United Nations.”

Sign the petition that urges President Trump and Congress to take t...

Conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer questioned why the U.N. spends “more than half its time and energy and resources and bureaucracy trying to attack the only Jewish state on the planet, a tiny little spec, while genocide, mayhem, murder and terrorism is going on all over the world.”

“The U.N. is a massively corrupt and hopelessly broken institution,” said Joseph Farah, founder, editor and CEO of WND. “If ever there were a time and the right opportunity to put this on the front burner of a new administration that clearly opposes the kind of globalist vision that the U.N. offers and promotes, this is it. Enough is a enough! Why are we supporting this twisted, anti-Israel rogues gallery with our tax dollars and debt? Why do we continue to permit them to operate within our country? If Donald Trump and the U.S. Congress don’t seize this moment, a future administration will undoubtedly humiliate the U.S. and our allies, again, through the auspices of the United Nuisances.”

The petition continues: “It is outrageous an organization hosted on American soil, protected by American arms, funded by American tax dollars and built upon a global order sustained by the United States seemingly spends all its time attacking America and its ally Israel. It an insult to global decency that Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, is continuously targeted with the most outrageous slander and vitriolic attack as the United Nations allows some of the worst tyrannies on the planet to sit in judgment. Finally, as an independent republic, the United States of America has a responsibility to itself and to the world to cease subsidizing an institution which has not only proven hostile to the sovereignty of the United States and the security of Israel, but which has also shown itself to be a breeding ground of anti-Semitism and support for Islamic extremism.”


Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/01/congress-eyes-plan-to-take-u-s-out-of-u-...

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  • Sign the petition that urges President Trump and Congress to take t...

    The bill is the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2016, H.R. ... sponsored by Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala.
    Among the reactions was an online petition calling for the U.S. to halt support for the U.N. and expel its headquarters from American soil.

  • The JOB of the U.N. is to Keep Peace on the Planet ; The U.N. doesn`t know the Meaning of Peace . The U.N. is WORTHLESS ; a big WASTE of Tax Payers money . The SWEET LIFE of the U.N. Delegation in New York City all Paid by Americans .
    The UN- Touchable  on American soil .

    Please , America , Sign the Petition ; I did . Name ; e-mail ; zip ; That is it .

  • Appears the Trump administration may have begun exit plans even without the petition.
    But sign it anyway.

    Trump Prepares Orders Aiming at Global Funding and Treaties

    WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing executive orders that would clear the way to drastically reduce the United States’ role in the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as begin a process to review and potentially abrogate certain forms of multilateral treaties.

    The first of the two draft orders, titled “Auditing and Reducing U.S. Funding of International Organizations” and obtained by The New York Times, calls for terminating funding for any United Nations agency or other international body that meets any one of several criteria.

    Those criteria include organizations that give full membership to the Palestinian Authority or Palestine Liberation Organization, or support programs that fund abortion or any activity that circumvents sanctions against Iran or North Korea. The draft order also calls for terminating funding for any organization that “is controlled or substantially influenced by any state that sponsors terrorism” or is blamed for the persecution of marginalized groups or any other systematic violation of human rights.

    The order calls for then enacting “at least a 40 percent overall decrease” in remaining United States funding toward international organizations.

    DRUDGE Report

  • Getting the UN out of the United States is something that should have long happened.     it is a meeting spot for globalists of which obama was one.     Now is the time to say good riddance to this worthless body

  • Tell them we're keeping our Internet.

    • WE will keep our Internet , our Guns , Our Money , our Freedom . U.N. get out of my Land . 

  • Now Congress is considering a plan that would accomplish several of those objectives, removing the United States from the U.N., banning any continued financial support, barring American military members from serving under U.N. command and removing the diplomatic immunity of U.N. officials.
    Regardless of one’s beliefs or opinions on the U.N. being a front for a new world order, this bill is a direct and bold move against the elites’ plans. For any nation to reclaim true sovereignty from the United Nations is setting a powerful example for the rest of the world. It sends a message that a country does not need a global government body, but instead can run itself without global oversight.
    Get the U.S. put of the U.N.  it sounds Very Good .


    • It's incompetent
    • It's corrupt
    • It's anti-American
    • It's ungrateful
    • It's costing American taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars a year - money that's badly needed right here, right now
    • It's eroding the sovereignty of our United States of America and
    • It's secretly executing a plan to become the seat of government in the coming One World Government
  • The war in America.

    03:30, The house is totally dark except for the faint glow from my cigarette. That faint glow catches my attention and my mind wanders to those men who were hunkered down in muddy bunkers and fox holes over in Germany during World War II. The battle of the Ardennes Forest during the battle of the Bulge. WW-II 1944. At night the forest was so dark that the faint glow from a soldier's cigarette could be seen a mile away. It was a deadly give away of his position. The same was also true in the jungles of Japan, South Korea, and Viet Nam.

    My mind wanders to those men who in WW-II were fighting Hitler and the Nazi's. In Korea and in Viet Nam they were fighting the Communist North Koreans and the Viet Cong from the North from China. Over the years America has paid a heavy price in various places around the world fighting the spread of Communism and Nazi fascism. In all of those cases Americans fought and died fighting to try to save some other country and the lives of some other people from the Communists. Europe, England, France, Greece, Italy, South Korea, and South Viet Nam.

    But this time the war will be different. Unlike all the other wars, This time the war will be here in America.
    They are here.

    I'm not talking only about the Islamists and Muslims Obama has allowed to infiltrate into our country, they are only part of the Communist foot-soldiers, the army brought in as subversives and terrorists aimed at causing disruption and chaos. Yes we will have to fight them along with the real enemies that are here. But just like the Islamic Imam that trains his children and sends them off to kill and to be killed while he lays low and secure in his bunker, these Communist leaders will send out their army to cause chaos and destruction, while they stay safe and hidden in their bunkers. Their bunkers have now been exchanged for high rise towers and granite buildings in New York City and Washington D.C. No – I'm NOT talking about Trump Tower, I'm talking about the Banker's towers in New York, Wall Street, Chicago, London, and the halls of Congress in Washington. These people are not strangers to us, they've been here for many years. In fact they've been here since the start of the 20th century, around 1913.

    Over the course of the last eight years of the Obama administration when they felt sure the time was right for them to complete their total take-over, “The Fundamental Transformation of America”, the agenda and the true existence of these Communists became fully exposed for everyone to see. The defeat of their favored Presidential candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the election to office of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States of America will been seen as little more than a minor set back in their agenda. Only a small waiting period but not anything that will really deter their ultimate goal. They've suffered set backs before and they have weathered the storms untouched only to emerge stronger and even more routed into American society and into our halls of Governments, Local and State Governments, Schools, and especially into our news media and even into our entertainment productions. The Trump administration and his term in office will be viewed as only a minor temporary set back.'

    Who are these people? Who are the real enemies of America? In some cases they're not hard to identify. In fact in some instances they're very proud and outspoken about their hatred and opposition to America. People like Michael Moore and many others are quick to get in front of a camera and microphone. But Michael Moore while he is a proud self proclaimed Communist, he is only a lone-wolf big-mouth. Too stupid to be of any real opposition or a leader of any real threat. His only useful function is as a “Useful Idiot”, used to help stir up other “Useful Idiots”.

    The Islamic militants are obvious. Even the Communists and socialists in the news media are easily identified. But the real enemies remain hidden, anonymous and protected by obscurity behind the halls and the walls of the nations biggest banks and in the offices of Government.

    The real enemies are the true believers of Communism. The ones who actually have the capacity to think and chew gum at the same time. They are well educated, and they have been elevated to high positions in all kinds of banking, financial, and Government offices. These people know how to manipulate markets and financial institutions. And they know how to buy and manipulate politicians. In the '1950's Senator Joesph McCarthy made a good attempt at rooting some of them out and exposing them. But he was eventually stopped and eventually died before he could make any real substantial gains against them. To the Communists this was just another minor set back. They are patient, but they are not going away just because some loudmouth New York City millionaire managed to get himself elected as President. Instead they are like termites and wood eating ants. They will remain in the woodwork, hidden in the floors, behind the walls, and in the foundations of all American businesses, banking systems, schools and our educational systems, and Governments. Slowly eating away at the very structures of our society and our Constitutional Republic, until eventually it will all collapse.

    Like Senator Joe McCarthy we have to dig them out, expose them for who and what they are. And like the men in WW-II, Korea, and Viet Nam we will have to kill them when we can.

    It's 04:00 Hrs. My second cigarette is nearly gone and is beginning to burn my fingers. Guess it's time to put it out and try to get some sleep. And YES – They control the United Nations.


    Joseph McCarthy
    Joseph Raymond McCarthy (November 14, 1908 – May 2, 1957) was an American politician who served as a Republican U.S. Senator from the state of Wiscon…
    • Old Rooster my friend ; I am Impressed with your Clear and Simple Explanation of " The Real Enemy of America " . Not every American understand the Serious problem WE are facing . Not every American is Informed about what is going on in   our Land . Some may say : Why America .???? The answer is Simple . If you control America the rest of the Planet will follow ; just like the Domino Effect . The Enemy is patient and silent ; the Enemy is not going away ; the enemy is working with the U.N. and the U.N. is Against US .
      1/2 of America has been Brainwashed so bad Their Brains and the way of thinking is under the Left Sole of their shoes . The Worthless Media is gone Banana ; there is no hope on the Media . WE the Real Americans are fighting hard to stay above water . Obama just about Destroyed this Nation ; WE don`t know what the Future will bring ; WE hope and Pray God for Help and Intervention . 

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