
Congressional Hearing on Military Voting Rights


This email is a little late, but last week was a busy week for the MVP Project.  On Wednesday, I testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.

As you will see from my testimony, the problems with DOJ's enforcement of military voting rights has been longstanding.  Its failures were well documented in 2010 and continue to exist in 2012.  Click on the image to read.  


A few weeks ago, I sent you an email describing the problems in Wisconsin.  Wisconsin, however, is not the only state where local election officials failed to send absentee ballots to military voters as required by federal law.  Violations also occurred in Alabama and Ohio.
In all of these cases, DOJ has been slow to act.  For example, DOJ waited until 18 days before the election to file its case against Alabama and 11 days before the election in Wisconsin.

Unfortunately, when cases are filed only 18 or 11 days before an election, it doesn't provide sufficient time for ballots to be delivered to forward deployed locations in Iraq and Afghanistan.  For these military voters, justice delayed is justice denied.

The MVP Project will continue to demand justice for all of our military voters.  Please help support our efforts


Eric Eversole
Founder & Executive Director
Military Voter Protection Project

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  • Thanks for the information.

  • If it is found that military voting in some way has been obstructed the affected election should be nullified and a new election performed. Who among the U.S. citizenry deserves the right to vote more than our military members?


    • I loved your comment about the 4 legged politiians, lol!

  • From a prior posting on this organization, I called my local court house and questioned the dates the primary ballots were mailed out. It was ok and at the smae time I found out the date for the General election ballots are to be sent out and will be calling back to make sure that is upheld.

  • Guess things stay the same . I had no chance to vote when I was in the military overseas . However it didn't bother me that much as we were mostly just trying to stay alive and didn't have anything to go on anyway as far as information is concerned but could tell you the "body count" !

    It's different now with the internet , and with Ocrap , I'm sure he would like it to remain the same . At any rate these guys should be able to send their message loud and clear .

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