If you don't like West for one thing he's done (tit for tat) ....don't spam this post with your dislike for him. Freedom of Speech should be used responsibly. It should not be used just to hear/see ourselves talk or chat or berate good people actually working to save our liberty. 




Thomas More Law Center - NEWS ALERT
Congressman Allen West Joins TMLC’s Citizens Advisory Board

ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, today announced that Congressman Allen West (R-FL) has agreed to serve on the Law Center’s Citizens Advisory Board.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center stated,

“We are honored that Congressman West, a courageous American patriot, has agreed to serve on our Board.  He has been steadfast and unafraid in his public opposition to the internal threat posed by radical Islam.  He distinguished himself as a combat officer in the Iraq war, and he is now distinguishing himself as a representative of patriotic Americans throughout the nation.  He symbolizes everything the Law Center strives to be, and as a member of the Citizens Advisory Board, he will help develop the Law Center’s national strategy to accomplish its mission.”


In accepting service on the Advisory Board, Congressman West stated,

“ I know that the Thomas More Law Center is aggressively advancing in courtrooms throughout America the same principles I fought for as a soldier for 22 years, and what I’m fighting for now as a Congressman.  I support their mission and I am honored to serve on their Advisory Board, which is chaired by a true American hero, retired Admiral Jeremiah Denton.”

Said West,

“What impressed me about the Law Center is that it knows the true threat to our nation posed by radical Islam and it has initiated and funded more cases challenging the Stealth Jihad being waged against our Nation than any other public interest law firm in America.”

Before retiring as an Army Lieutenant Colonel, West served as a Field Artillery Officer in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was battalion commander for the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and in Afghanistan, where he trained Afghan officers to take on the responsibility of securing their own country.

Allen West was elected to House of Representatives in November 2010.  As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman West advances the principle that peace is best kept through a strong national defense.

Some of the positions he has taken as a Congressman include:

  • The radical Islamist movement is one of the most dangerous threats we have ever seen, and too many government officials are ignoring the grave risks confronting the country.
  • We are a nation at war against a totalitarian theocratic political ideology that glorifies death rather than celebrating life. To defeat it, we must stay on the offensive. From Afghanistan and Iraq to the Greater Middle East and South America, radical Islam is on the march.
  • Political correctness cannot be part of our national security system.
  • Every time Congress takes for itself new powers, not enumerated in the Constitution, it chips away at freedom, individual liberty, and the right of the people to choose what is best for them, in their communities.
  • The 2nd Amendment is an individual right.

For more information on Congressman Allen West and his positions on the important issues facing our nation, please visit his official website at:


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  • I think Allen West is A GREAT AMERICAN, and we need many, many more like him.

  • I like Congressman West and believe he is a true Patriot. The only things I have seen that I disagree with are his voting for NDAA and his silence on the eilgibility issues for POTUS and VP.

    If you ever get a chance, please ask him to clarify his positions on those issues.

  • Allen West should be drafted for President of These United States Of America!!!!!!!

    • That's thinking with emotion instead of common sense, West may be a great leader but he's only served a year and half in Congress, has LESS political experience than OWEbumbler did.  How'd that experiment work out for YA?  He needs time to season as politician as well as PROVE by votes and actions that he's the REAL deal! Actions SPEAK LOUDER than words, America ignored that and elected our first communist president, we're now facing a possible insurmountable mountain of DEBT.  FYI: the National Debt is MORE than all the money that EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN HAS--FROM GATES AND BUFFET DOWN TO THE HOMELESS ON THE STREET.  We need a businessman with background of restructuring failing operations for profit, cutting WASTE, FRAUD, overhead for purpose of SURVIVAL, while Romney wasn't my choice he has the best credentials in that dept. than ANY that campaigned or considered campaigning.  America will REFORM or COLLAPSE based on the election in November.  Anything short of REMOVING DemocRAT controlled Senate and OWEbumbler may very well END America as we know it.

      • I would like to see Mitt "Hold your nose and vote for me!" Romney select Col. West as his running mate.  I'm a realist, not a racist, but facts are, indeed, stubborn things; Col. West with Romney would effectively split "the black vote" and make Romney's election all but certain.  Although Truman said that the vice-presidency wasn't worth "a bucket of warm spit", it would give Congressman West a great deal of experience in a hurry.

        People who, for one reason or another, just have to have a black president could do no better than Allen West, especially when he gets a few years of politics under his belt -- as long as he doesn't drink the Potomac water.

        • I doubt "splitting" the black vote will happen to any degree of success for GOP. Blacks, Jewish voters VOTE 90% or MORE for DemocRATS EVERY election cycle. Selecting West for VP would be met with accusations of "Uncle TOM, "token black", "traitor", etc. by black activists, Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, etc..  Just go back and look at the derogatory comments made by leftwing, DemocRATS, activists about Justice Clarence Thomas as examples of the attacks against West that will be used.  By election time, it would be obvious that his nomination would likely help little with the black vote, they VOTE liberal DemocRATS every time, Alan West would do nothing to change that with any significance.

  • They got the right man for the job.



  • Thanks for the information.

  • i'm a huge fan of allen west, and have been a supporter for years....    he tells it like it is, and isn't afraid to speak the truth against this administration.

    many of us wanted him to run for POTUS; but i feel he figured he didn't have the experience (and, i'm sure he knew he didn't have the financial backing)...   we were also hoping he'd be selected for the VP slot...   but, it now appears that the GOP elite has other plans, and is even trying to prevent him from being reelected in congress.  apparently, w/ the redistricting (by the FL state GOP), he's now having to run in a different district...



  • This my friends is great news and will bring "rightful" representation to the citizens of the United States.  Yes!

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