United States Attorney
Appellate Chief and
Assistant United States Attorney
District of Nevada
400 South Virginia, Suite 900
Reno, Nevada 89501
(775) 784-5438
RE; US Attorney's office and the State of Nevada seek to repeal court decision of Cliven Bundy case.
This correspondence is intended to seek answers as to the motivation and justification behind the US Attorney's office to seek a repeal of the Nevada court decision to dismiss the case against Mr. Cliven Bundy, Ammon and Ryan Bundy and defendant Ryan Payne.
Apparently the US Attorney's office is seeking to reopen the case and continue the prosecution of the men involved in the Bundy trials.
The question is WHY? Why at this point would the US Attorney's office seek a continuation of this prosecution at this point? Please explain.
What is the Court's motivation and justification in pursuing this?
What is your motivation behind any continuation of this prosecution?
Is your motivation simply to prove to the American people that thou-shall-not-disobey the Federal Government? That would appear to be a pretty weak justification, and in direct contradiction to the US Constitution.
Is your motivation and justification to seek “Justice under the Law”?
Which law is that? Please explain.
Is that the law that proclaims the people shall never stand up against the Federal Government? Where is that written?
Is that the law that states The people shall never disobey Federal orders even if and when those Federal orders are to kill citizens for grazing cattle on federal lands? Where is that law written?
Is that the law that dictates that the people must never point a weapon at a federal officer, even if those Government agents have a “Kill List” for the entire Bundy family? That would appear to be a direct violation of the laws of self defense. (Which the defendants were forbidden to use in their trials).
What is the justification? Please explain.
What is the motivation? Please explain.
Please understand that this correspondence is NOT to threaten you or anyone, there is NO threat being made here. Unless of course you consider questioning your motives and justifications as a threat.
We simply seek answers to these questions. We would like the US Attorney's office to explain the motivations and justifications behind seeking a repeal of the Nevada court's decision to discontinue the trials.
What is the motivation and justification behind continuing these trials?
Is it that the Federal Government has thus far failed to rid Clark County Nevada of the Bundy family?
Is it the fact that the Federal Government has yet to secure possession of the Bundy land and all assets of the Bundy family?
Is the motivation of the Federal Government and the US Attorney's office to seek revenge for a failed prosecution of these defendants? Since when is the US Federal Government or the US Attorney's office engaged and justified in seeking revenge against American citizen's? Please explain.
And please don't try to tell us that you are merely seeking justice under the law. One would think that five years of continuous persecution and the continuation of constant threats of imprisonment or worse would be punishment enough to satisfy the court's definition of “punishment.”.
The reason the case was closed and trials discontinued was that US Attorney Steven Myhre withheld Exculpatory evidence which revealed that the Bureau of Land Management agents went to the Bundy ranch not only with a warrant and orders to remove Bundy cattle from public lands but that they were also armed with a “Kill-List” for the entire Bundy family.
This is something that the ranchers and also the men who went there already knew at that time.
Attorney Steven Myhre and his team of prosecutors attempted to conceal this fact along with several others. That alone is why the case was dismissed and closed. And that fact alone is legal justification for those men to stand up and prevent the killing of the Nevada ranchers. Which again was denied as a defense for those on trial.
In your attempts to repeal the Nevada court's decision and to continue and pursue the trials you are seeking to spend additional tax payer's money to prosecute the Bundys and others.
We would ask you to provide the people with sufficient motivations and justifications as to why these prosecutions and trials should be reopened.
Please explain your motivations and justifications.
You may claim that you do not need to provide any explanation behind your motive or that you do not need to justify these actions, However since it is at the tax payer's expense we believe this request for explanations is justified.
Please explain the Government's motives and justify this expenditure.
We The People of the United States of America.
Letter to Mathew Whitaker, Acting Attorney General.
Mr. Mathew Whitaker; Acting Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Dear Mister Whitaker,
As acting US Attorney General I would like to bring some very severe discrepancies to your attention.
For example are you aware that there are currently some fourteen (14) men currently serving very severe prison sentences surrounding the case of the Bundy ranch and the “stand-off” with the Bureau of Land Management in April 2014.
One of these men was never even at that event at the time it occurred.
Mr. Jerry DeLemus currently incarcerated in the Ft. Deven's prison in Ayer Mass. Delemus is service an 8-1/2 year sentence for pleading guilty to traveling from New Hampshire to Nevada to aid in the defence of the Bundy family. He was not even in Nevada on the day of the Bundy ranch stand off.
The Federal judge and prosecutors in this Bundy case have taken the term “rouge” to a new and disturbing level. This entire case and all prosecutions of these men has turned into the US Justice Department seeking vengeance against anyone who dared to question the authority of Senator Harry Reid. It was proven in court that the Bureau of Land Management went to that ranch armed with a “Kill-List” for all the Bundy family. Bundy and the men who went there to defend them all knew this long before it was revealed in that Nevada court room. That is why they went there in the first place. To prevent the BLM and the Federal Government from murdering yet another innocent family. These men went to Nevada to prevent another “Waco” style massacre.
For that there are now 14 men in prison AND the US Attorney's office in Nevada is seeking to repeal the Nevada court orders to dismiss the Bundy trials. The Nevada Attorneys are trying to re-open the Bundy case so that these men can be forced to stand trial again for the third time.
My question is how long will this continue? How long should the American people tolerate these US attorneys abusing their power and authority as a sledge hammer against American citizen's?
Since when has the US Department of Justice been turned into the US Department of Vengeance against American people?
I would urge you to try to get these Attorneys and prosecutors under control as quickly as possible, the next “Bundy Stand-off” may not end as quietly and peacefully as the last one.
Your immediate attention into this matter is appreciated Sir.
Rooster, good information to Whitiker, but I don't think they will do anything, if they are smart because I think the people of this country are precisely tired of this crude and if they are not careful, the next Waco or Ruby Ridge will take on a little different ending and it will not be good for the Men on the recieving end - WE ARE TIRED AND JUST ABOUT READY TO CHANGE THIS COUNTRY BACK TO WHAT IT WAS SET-UP FOR "WE THE PEOPLE" AND NOT FOR "WE THE GOVERNMENT". TIME IS SHORT AND JUSTICE WILL BE DONE.
Clois, You're right about the Next "Waco" wont be like the last one. But I doubt that it will wait until another "Waco" attack. People are really getting pissed big-time.
The Dems want to play idiot games around the border wall and security. The NYC attorneys are playing with fire in their "investigations" into Trump inauguration committee and the funds for that, they really do believe they are going to hang Trump and Ivanka, and possibly DT Jr.
And Pelosi & Mad Maxine still think they can impeach Trump.
When they try that crap I hope we ALL go to DC, LOADED.
Well Rooster, if they happen to stupidly try and are successful in Impeaching the President, I think Washington D.C. will be having a "Waco" moment and they will be WACO. Washington will be burned to the ground and everybody in Washington D.C. will burn with the city and the rest of us, "obviously ARM'ed to the teeth) will be surrounding D.C. We have more than enough pissed off citizens, veteran and patriots that can encircle the 10 mile swath of Washington D.C. The military is on our side.
The Oath of Enlistment (for enlistees):
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
The Oath of Office (for officers):
"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance tot he same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."
That means that anyone who is currently (or formerly) serving in the Government of the United States of America who are actively attempting to subvert, destroy, or "Fundamentally Transform" America into a Communist or socialist, or any other kind of oppressive regime must be removed. That includes those who are currently actively working outside our government such as any news broadcast organizations and media or within any Non-Government organizations that are also attempting to destroy America must also be removed.
So I am a Navy guy, what are you trying to tell me by sending the Oath for both Officer's and enlisted personnel? After 32 years of doing both Leading and Following, I can handle both jobs. Are these just for my review? I am assuming they are, so Citizens, Veterans and Patriots know what they are getting into when they join the forces. I hope this is not an invitation to rejoin the forces....
No Clois, I'm only reminding people that I took that oath right along with millions of others.
Is it an invitation to rejoin the forces? Like you, I'm getting too old. I'm 76 years old and not getting any younger. They wont let me in there now. But I AM getting pissed off enough at these damn democrats and Communists that I wish I was 30 years younger.
Check out the latest NewsMax release about Adam Schiff and the democrats continuous Non-Stop harassment of the President; Make no mistake about it - we ARE in a WAR. And if we don't stand up and fight for this country then we are loose it for sure;
The VERY BIGGEST problem, now is William Barr as Attorney General. I can't figure out why Trump nominated him to be AG with his stances on the Second Amendment and NSA approvals to keep spying on Americans. I don't get it, but he scares the S--T out of me. I am afraid, he is going to execute the confiscation of ALL American civillian weapons. Trump is wrong on this one, if that is his intention, then the war begins. And if Law Enforcement shows up or ATF or anybody else with a confiscation order, you can bet one thing. I will be on the News that day!!!
Yep, Makes two of us Clois.
Also - I'm at the same place about W. Barr as you are. Can't figure out why Trump would nominate him. I don't trust him at all.