Today I had the honor (and the opportunity) to speak with two Army Airborne pilots who stopped by for a refueling stop. They were transporting their Army Apache Longbow helicopter to a maintenance facility. (I wont say from where or to where). But during the conversations with the two pilots and about six of us other vets we were able to easily determine just what these guys, (and apparently nearly all the others in their squads) know and feel about our current government administration. I will not try to quote anything these men had to say, I will not betray any possible political beliefs or positions of any Military personal. But what I can tell the members of this Patriots forum group is that it we were concerned about whether our military will obey unconstitutional orders to fire on American citizens (or will they remain faithful to their oaths), If my conversations with these two pilots is indicative of the rest of our military, we can stop worrying about that. I fact I asked that exact question – point-blank, and the answer was just exactly what I had hoped for.
I also learned a little about what these guys are putting up with as far as the Obama administrations ‘Rules-of-Engagement” over in Afghanistan and Pakistan. (these men were both over there recently). One of them told us a story about not being allowed to shot a suspected terrorist fighter unless and until he had “pointed” his weapon at them. They had spotted a sniper and made a call for permission to “take-him-out” That request was denied because the sniper was not pointing his weapon at anyone they could identify. Within a minute the sniper turned his weapon to his right about 40 degrees and appeared to be sighting in on something. Again the call to “take-him-out” was made and again it was denied. But this time only briefly. The radio transmission was cut short. In a second or two another voice came over the radio, this one had a much more distinct panic sound to it. It was the first radio operators back up man. That man that had been on the radio in the first place had a bullet in his head. They now knew who the sniper was aiming at. That thirty second delay cost that American his life. He probably never knew what hit him.
The two pilots I was speaking with also told us about another one of their “rules-of-engagement” that has been in place for nearly two years, but people at home have never been told about it. We’ve heard recently that troops are now supposed to obtain a “Search Warrant” before they can raid a compound or a house, but I learned today that if they intend to raid a village or suspected enemy compound they must drop leaflets and publish a warning at least 48 hours prior to the raid. And what is even more disturbing is that those orders came directly from the White House and Obama himself.


Since these two pilots apparently are working state-side for right now, (until they return for another turn), they have had the opportunity to travel to several US states. They said the people in Texas seem to be far more informed about the situation in Washington and that the people up north (he mentioned Ft Drum, NY) the people up there still have no clue of what’s going on and most of them still love Obama.



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  • Well this takes a lot of weight off my mind about the "American Troops" not firing on American Citizens, which is pretty much the information I had from some buddies and others. I am glad I am from TEXAS, but the worry is the North Easterrn States...Let's hope it doesn't come to this senario.

  • Ray, Let me get this straight: You think Obama is continuing the war in Afganistan so that our American Military transports can transport drugs !!!!   Is that what you are implying?
    Halliburton is doing what exactly that you don't like this time??

    Ray, Please explain yourself here.

  • Thanks for the post Ronald.......this kind of ROE crap happens in nearly every war when the politicians get firmly in control directing the action to their preconceived benefit.

    If we really have the backs of our warriors, we'll take the action in November, and everything we can do before November to give them our support by unifying. 

    We're sliding into a "he said, she said" direction.......... back on topic please.

    • Thanks for your reply Harry, Back on topic,,, I must add here that the two Airman I spoke with were both absolutely what we could hope for. Professional in every way. Several of the stories they related were enough to make your blood boil over what this Washington establishment is putting our men (and women) through. But even though they appeared to want us to know what is happening, they still remained professional in their recounts of some of the obstacles being placed in front of them in fighting this stupid war. Overall I have to say these two men are what we want representing the United States. The old saying goes "shining examples" of our military personnal.
      This Obama administration MUST be defeated in November and the fools in Washington MUST be removed while we still have military personnal like the two I met this week. I can just ask everyone to please pray for all our troops. They are not only fighting a brutal enemy over there, but they are also doing so under sever restrictions imposed by our own government. May GOD bless and protect them all.

  • link on pipeline

    Is this your pipeline? - Globalization - Afghan Oil Pipeline
  • Sorry folks did not mean to get off track

This reply was deleted.


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