The article I posted below as written by Ted Nugent was apparently written by someone else. Ted Nugent simply found it and posted it to his Facebook page.
An op-ed entitled, “Take a Knee,” has been making the rounds on social media sites like Facebook, where it has been shared literally hundreds of thousands of times. Ted Nugent, for example, posted it on his Facebook page, where it has been shared over 117,000 times.
The original author is Stanislaus “Stan” Drew, a Christian author and proud American who, according to the Christian Index, wrote the guest op-ed last year while a member of Palm Springs Baptist Church in Palm Springs, Florida – after San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick first began his protests during the National Anthem. Mr. Drew is retired and currently lives in Crescent City, Florida, with his wife Lynn.
Flag raising on Iwo Jima, 23 Feb 1945 (Wikimedia Commons, marked for public use)