Here is a discussion that begs attention and deserves some serious thought.
This man is correct in his assessments and his concerns deserve consideration.
Please take the time to read his article and then return here if you wish to comment on this very serious matter.
Spot on, very good observation made in this article. Thanks for adding it to the PFA discussions. I urge all PFA folks to carefully read this one, you won't be sorry.
What is that?
That is when something is done or created that has a relatively simple objective, but is capabile of becoming much more as pieces, parts, or processes are added and incorporated into the original item or creation.
For example an automobile carburator is simply a mechanical device that vaporized fuel into a mist and then injects that mist into the automobile cylinders where it is inturn used to create combustion and thus run the engine.
What does that have to do with this virus?
The virus was first created in a laboratory for the purposes of studying how to stop the SAS poison. It was intended to be a vaccine against the SARS virus.
When that "vaccine" "escaped" from it's North Carolina lab, (It was smuggled out") it ended up in the Wuhan lab in China.
Under control and in the hands of Communist China.
So what is that "Gain of Function" that is being applied to the original simple little vaccine?
Who could have anything to gain from this "Vaccine" becoming a virus in the form of the Covid-19?
That depends on what they consider to be the objectives of developing and releasing it as a virus.
Who and how would anyone Gain from it?
We all know that Bill Gates and Doctor Fauci have both invested very heavily in the Pharmacuticals industries. They both invested heavily in the Vaccine drug industries.
Both are taking in BILLIONS of dollars from the sales and distribution of the vaccines.
#2) Government control: The Government under controls of the Democrat and Communist party is and has been dealing out more mandates and controls than anyone ever thought possible.
And they are not finished yet..
#3) Population control; Thinning out of the "herd", culling the population. The vast marority of death occured from the virus has been those who also suffer from additional medical conditions. The old, sick, and convelssing. Those on Social Security and or medicair and medicaid.
Its a process of weeding out those who are more dependant on the system than they are at being productive
Back to the Georgia Guide Stones,, Maintain world population at a manageable level.
All of this is what is considered "Gain of Function".
Money power, and control.
You figure it out. Who has the most to gain, why and how.
We tried to be peaceful and non-violent for all these years when others were urging rebellion.
Well, we see where we stand with the peaceful and non-violent method.
Hind sight, being 20/20, we should have taking the option of rebellion and now that's too late to do any good.
Very good truthful article
Hopefully Patriots have read the UB's Agenda 21 (now Agwnda 30). The plan is to kill of 3/4 of the human populaation, herb everyone into a gew communs around the world surrounded by militery & with most of the earth free from mankind. Global Warming (temp change, so funny) is used to control people & to realise their goals.
Covid-farse may be part of the killing. After reading UN's agendasl read 1969 commies plan & then the 1860s plan. We have not been free for decades & our Constitutional govt is gone. We only have a memory of freedom
Is the FBI being used as Biden's personal Gestapo?
Many people believe it is;
Why Biden and Democrats are the Real Threat to Our Civil Liberties and Domestic Security
It looks quite obvious to me.
Someone passed a rule that violates his personal right. That creates standing for a law suit. The rules should allow for a natural immunity but they don't. We are living in various republics. A republic is a nation of law. You resolve any dispute with a law suit....or you can talk it to death.
Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder said "Never let a good crisis go to waste".
That is the policy of this Binden/Harris/Obama administration.
So far this Communist "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a third-world-shit hole has been progressing at a surprising rate.
Middle America is going broke faster than any time in American history.
Even in the great depression of the 1930's things did not go to hell as fast as they are now.
The policies of this Biden/Harris/Obama administration is to drive America into total bankruptcy and destitution.
That's the only way they can achive total control.
This COVID-19 virus is a made-to-order crisis.
While the virus itself may be real, and it may or may-NOT have been released deliberately, either way the Covid crisis is manufactured.
The downfall of America is very very deliberate. It is By-Design.
Everybody in the world knows that Biden did NOT win the 2020 elections. The elections were a total fraud, rigged by the Democrats and the Communist party.
They will do precisely the same thing in every election in the future if they can get away with it.
As for this Virus, and the negative consquences of these vaccines, there will never be any consequesnces or accountability paid by anyone for this.
Millions of people around the world are and will die from this mess. And no one will ever be held to account for it.
Good luck America, just sit back and shut up.
YOU are the "Domestic Terrorist", the biggest threat to their Democracy.
If that's what they want to call me - GOOD, Then I will accept their lable. Because if there is anything I can manage to do to screw them I intend to do it.
Watch out Obama - America may be comming for you sooner or later.