Ted Cruz Becoming Known As the Twisted Tongue Man!

I have been asked where I got the title from – when did Cruz ever actually make that statement. Well, as far as I know he never did. It is his actions and double-speak that led me to the title. He has a forked tongue and some of the people working on his campaign and as his fund raisers are a little less than desirable.

There are several things about Cruz and Obama that ring true with each other:  foreign born and not eligible to be president; Harvard Law graduates; first term Senators who think they have all the answers and the forked tongue to tell you so. They never say what they mean and mean it – the meanings of their statements are left to everyone’s imagination and then they can change the meaning depending on who they are talking to. It’s called “double-speak”!

There are several things on my list that disturb me about Ted Cruz and one of them is where he actually stands on education. He made a very dangerous statement in regard to our children’s education in that he referred to “Federal Education Choice” as a Civil Right. This is a definite affirmation that Cruz has been speaking to his Dominionist and ConCon supporter Michael Farris.

Cruz and Sen. Mike Lee presenting S 306 came as a total surprise. Their bill placed Common Core in every private, religious and homeschool environment which is actually no choice at all. Does he not understand what the meaning of the word “choice” is or is this just another “twisted tongue” routine?  I believe the later.

Just one year ago, Ted Cruz spoke out against Common Core during a speech in Florida.  “We should repeal every word of Common Core,” he said. “We should get the federal government out of the business of curriculum.” This was not the first time Cruz said “no” to Common Core, but it was a great opportunity for the presidential hopeful to express his steadfast opposition to the progressive education reform movement.

Cruz at that time described Common Core as “national standards being dictated from Washington. “There is no remedy when they are dictating what’s being taught to your kids,” said the Senator.

Cruz is a Senator – is he not aware that Title I funds are a federally legislated program and that S 306 would use those funds which are attached to the child? In the bill they identify the Choice funds as “portable” and that means the funds stay attached to the child. Does he not know that Choice covers regular public, charter and now thanks to the ESSA private schools which are using Common Core? Is he really that out of touch?

Cruz appeared on Shark Tank in February, 2015 where he spoke out against Big Education. He said “It is wrong and we need to stand up against Common Core and stop it.” Cruz has even redefined a homeschool as a private school forcing those children to come under the Title I net which mandates the Common Core.

Is he so stupid that he does not understand that using Choice or Vouchers still has our children under federally controlled “Big Education”? Where does he intend to educate his children?

There are very little “Choices” when it comes to Common Core. Someone who sits in the White House should be very versed on the education system which is being used to “indoctrinate” our children into worker bees and robots. In fact, I would bet he already knows the full plan laid out to a New World Order and that includes using our children to get there. Cruz hasn’t spent so many years as close to the Bushes to not know the plans.

Staying in-line with people like Sen. Lamar Alexander, Dr. Susan McCune, Linda Darling-Hammond, David Coleman and Chester Finn, Jr., Cruz changes 529 to accept all children from birth to age 21 – “cradle to college”, or the entire Common Core/Mental Health/HealthcareP-20 agenda.

As Anita Hoge stated in a blog, “It gets worse. The entire Common Core/Mental Health agenda ties into ObamaCare for all children birth to age 21. All psychological services carried out by IDEA and rendered to children can be billed to Medicaid, where schools become providers for health and mental health services. Mental health codes follow every child, thus potentially adversely impacting your child’s future jobs, college, and licensing (including gun ownership).”

Just a few days ago, Will Estrada and Mike Donnelly, HSLDA attorneys came out of the woodwork defending Cruz regarding his education policy. They state in their comment that Cruz and HSLDA support the Coverdell Education Savings accounts to cover “homeschool expenses. What they failed to tell the readers is that there is a major problem that has faced homeschool parents in that the federal law that defines Coverdell as covering eligible expenses as costs associated only with public and private school costs. So the Coverdell cannot be used for homeschool expenses unless a family is operating their homeschool program as a private school in one of the 14 states where a homeschool is treated as a private school. Homeschoolers in the other 36 states, therefore, cannot use a Coverdell, unless they are using it solely for college costs.

So why wouldn’t Mike Lee and Ted Cruz try to pass legislation to fix the Coverdell Savings Account rather than make a bigger mess with S 306?

I like the quoting of C.S. Lewis which was recently posted by Karen Braun because it certainly applies to everything I have read about Cruz and his “friends”:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

An additional item about Cruz is some of the people he is aligned with and their involvement in Dominionism. I usually don’t pay attention to other people’s religions as long as they believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Christian Bible and the Holy Christian Church and they aren’t using our children to further whatever their agenda is. When people like Rick Warren, Joel Osteen and Pope Francis begin creating a different religion claiming they are working from the bible but taking the bible out of context, than I have a problem. 

8142505896?profile=originalLast October, there was a “Response” rally in North Carolina, a culture war rallying cry disguised as a nonpolitical prayer gathering. The event, organized by Christian-nation activist David Lane and emceed by “apostle” Doug Stringer, promoted Seven Mountains Dominionism/New Apostolic Reformation, the idea that the right kind of Christians are meant to control every sphere – or “mountain” – of cultural influence: business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family, and religion.

Dominionists supporting Ted Cruz have referred to Cruz as the “Dominionist Messiah” and his father Rafael declares his son is “the Anointed One”.

David Lane is a very far right religious leader who is encouraging the far Right evangelical leaders to endorse a single presidential candidate, Ted Cruz. Individuals you might recognize that are following this “new” evangelical road are Ted Cruz, Rafael Cruz, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Michael Farris, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachman, Jim Garlow, pastor of a San Diego megachurch, Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, Rock Joyner, James Dobson, David Barton, Pat Robertson, Bobby Jindal and the Council for National Policy.

The Lord warns of “false prophets” leading his flock in a totally different direction in his name taking the Bible out of context as in “Prosperity Religion” and “Chrislam”.

Barton excoriates Christians who don’t share his enthusiasm for politics, saying that Jesus’ admonition to render under Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s requires Christians to take responsibility for their government. And Barton warns that God will hold them accountable for choosing the wrong candidate, consistently telling voters that they will “answer to God” for their votes, saying “righteousness must be the issue.” In 2006, he told conservatives at a political rally in Ohio, "Take your Sunday school class to vote and you’ve got to start breaking fingers if they don’t.”

David Barton, took over charge of the leading super-PAC supporting Ted Cruz’s campaign.  From the outset, the Keep the Promise PACs made their mission to provide a voice for the millions of courageous conservatives who are looking to change the direction of the country.

Remember Rick Perry’s massive prayer kick-off in 2011 for his first presidential campaign in 2011? The event was the source of considerable controversy because Perry organized it in partnership with a whole host of radical Religious Right activists, including several members of the New Apostolic Reformation, a collection of self-proclaimed modern day apostles and prophets who believe that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they are capable of performing greater miracles than even Jesus himself.

So what is Dominionism? The theology (the belief-system behind the Reconstructionist movement) teaches that through the coming of Christ the believer has dominion over every area of life. The terminology of Dominionism has been taken from the King James Version of the Bible, Genesis 1:26 and 28:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26 KJV

And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it:  and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

They see this as to include “all mankind and the government”. I have looked at every version of the Bible I can find and nowhere do I find it to state or the meaning to be to “rule over all men and the government”. This is no different than Rick Warren telling us God supports Chrislam and it’s perfectly alright to place your members in groups to later blackmail them if they chose to leave the church or aren’t tithing to the church’s expectations. Nor to listen to Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar tell you the meaning in the Bible is for “financial prosperity” rather than “prosperity of your soul” to be enriched in HIM, our Lord.

If this were true, we would all be ruling over everything including each other. The followers of Dominionism just gave themselves another name and found something in the Bible to make people believe they have the right to rule over all.

A man named C. Peter Wagner is actually the “henchman” directing this movement. He is a radical charismatic and an open theist. Peter Wagner has taken the free will doctrine to its logical conclusion of open theism. God is robbed of omniscience at the expense of man’s free choice. The trademark theology behind Fuller is called New Evangelicalism, which eliminates the Biblical doctrine of separation; the doctrine which supports the Bible is without error or fault; belief in a system of historical progression as revealed in the Bible and in the process placing themselves above everyone who is not following their “false doctrine”.

Out of this have come many doctrines and teachings such as “Kingdom Now”, “Reconstructionism”, “Manifest Sons of God”, “7 Mountain”, “Spiritual Mapping & Spiritual Warfare” and others.  The problem is a lot of this sounds really good when taught and sounds like cutting edge revelation from God on how to be the Church, but there are also destructive things being taught which are pulling people away from sound doctrine into a “control theology” which is leading to not only a New World Order but a One World Religion.

In essence, Dominionists believe the Church needs to take “Dominion” over the earth that it is rightfully ours to possess, not After Christ comes back but BEFORE. They believe that the “Rapture” is not us going up to be with Jesus but that it is when the Christians take over the earth.

Rafael Bienvenido Cruz like Joel Osteen has never gone to divinity school which is not a big deal but who he received his "training from is. He received his training from Benny Hinn's wife Suzanne. Hinn is Trinity Broadcast's supposed faith healer. The thing to keep in mind here is if you "follow the bible as it is written", you need to be aware that Ted Cruz and his father follow the New Apostolic Reform, which is hyper Calvinism/Dominionism.

Those supporting Cruz need to seriously pray about it and consider issues he supports:

Now that the “church” is under the leadership of supposed apostles and prophets, it can complete its primary task — the Great Commission, which has been redefined by the New Apostolic Reformation leaders as a commission to take dominion, or socio-political control, of the earth.

There is a great deal to pay attention to here and there is a great deal of lies, deception and manipulation going on. I am not suggesting who you should support for President of the United States, but we already have someone in the White House with the very same credentials.

Make no mistake – this writer is a Christian but I do not support prosperity religion, dominion by any person that thinks they should rule over all and the distortion and misquoting of the Lord’s word.

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