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October 22, 2012
Damning Evidence Released on Benghazi Attack
On October 19, we released a column laying out the facts regarding disastrous Obama foreign policy, in particular, related to the ongoing Obama cover up of administration failings that led to the deadly attacks on our Benghazi embassy.

On the 20th in response to that report, a government document dump landed on our door step, which confirmed what we had just reported and much worse. But it turned out that we were not the only people to receive those documents. The story is everywhere this morning!

We spent the weekend vetting more than 120 pages of damning "unclassified" cables between Benghazi, Tripoli and the Obama Administration spanning twelve months leading up to the attack in Benghazi, which resulted in the death of Chris Stevens and three other U.S. citizens.

In short, nothing that Obama officials had been saying about those events was true. Nothing...

The official cables are some of the most damning information we have even seen, involving numerous Obama agencies. The Obama Administration should face charges.

Based on these officials cables

We delivered that package to the Romney Campaign over the weekend, ahead of tonight's debate on Foreign Policy.

We then posted them online so that our members can see them in advance of the debate and other reports.

The actions of the Obama Administration are unconscionable and unforgivable. In the coming days, our organizations will issue a call for immediate charges against Obama Administration officials. More coming....
Obama and His Ilk Hung Chris Stevens and Others Out to Dry  Stevens

Last Friday, the State Department released internal docs showing that Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to hell's corridor in Libya, begged Obama's boys in D.C. to ramp up security in Benghazi. And, as we all know now, he got nothing from the State Department but was allowed to be tortured and murdered by "democracy seekers" from the "Religion of Peace" in the "liberated" nation of Libya.


Issue: 10.9
PU Coat
In This Issue
Obama Hung Chris Stevens
campaign DID violate federal election law

Obama campaign DID violate federal election law


A British citizen has revealed that he was able to donate to Obama's re-election campaign proving that at least one illegal foreign contribution has been accepted and casting suspicion on where millions of dollars may have come from. 

Chris Walker, who lives near London, made two $5 dollar donations to the President's campaign this month. 

When he tried to donate to Mitt Romney's campaign, the donation was rejected on the grounds that Mr Walker is a foreign citizen.


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  • Standing tall with you and my fellow Americans. Awaiting orders in regards to subject matter.

  • This is just totally excellent work on the part of those who compiled it all.  Many thanks to you all.  I think Mr. Romney should move forward with this information this evening and lay it on the line with omoron that we are through putting up with this kind of crap from our leaders.  Congress had better take notice as well.  This is treason.

    • Time for the Ass to be held accountable, send the Military into his office and arrest the entire lot for Treason. I would love to help, but it is a long way from TEXAS.....String em high.

      • We are going to have to make the people accountable in our own neck of the woods.

  • It shows you what ANIMALS the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is.   ANIMALS, no other word for them.  These ANIMALS sent tons of guns and ammunition to support the overthrow of Qudaffi (sp) and they KNEW they were having it sent to MUSLIM BROTHER-HOODS and Al Kaida insurgents.  They over threw a government that had LARGELY ammended its ways over the years, and was no longer RADICAL enough for the muslim brotherhood to tolerate, so THE OBAMA ANIMAL DEPARTMENT orchestrated the overthrow of a government that had become totally beneign to America since President Reagan went in and bombed the crap out of Qudaffi.   Then the ANIMAL FARM (the OBAMA's and CLINTONS) sat back and watched as their OWN HENCHMEN who had helped the REBELS get all their arms and overthrow the Libiyan government, get attacked and killed.  They made an event of it.  Can't cha see' m now.  Munchin' popcorn, drinkin' beer and laughing as they watch the video from the overhead drone.  THEY'RE ANIMALS......NOTHING BUT ANIMALS.  And like the ANIMALS they are, they will destroy each's CARMA folks...........just good ole' CARMA.

  • Benghazi Guards Never Taught How to Shoot Guns 10.22.12
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