We the people who love Freedom and honor our Constitution must ban together to insure these Islamic sympathizers disguised as Democrats get booted out of our Government. PLEASE LET'S GET-R-DONE !!!!!!
Rep. Marcy C Kaptur
(D-OH 9th District)
14th term
2186 Rayburn House Office Building,
District of Columbia 20515-3509
Phone: (202) 225-4146
Fax: (202) 225-7711

Congresswoman Marcy C Kaptur has signed onto Minnesota Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison's (CAIR and Hamas' supporter and radical anti-Israel activist) "Free Gaza" movement, a Hamas propaganda project that allows it to demand that Israel open its borders, without actually using the P word, since Hamas doesn't even believe in phony peace negotiations. In addition, Congresswoman Kaptur recently voted "present" on a RESOLUTION recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza & to reaffirm the United States’ strong support for Israel. (no vote is a NO vote)

Voting Record
YES on HR. 3962 Health Care
YES on HR. 2454 CAP & Trade
YES on HR. 1586 Bank Tax
YES on HR. 7321 the Auto Industry takeover
Sound Bite Videos
Health Care

Congresswoman Kaptur has only one Active Opponent:


Joseph Jaffe (Libertarian)
Here is where he stands on the issues

Come on people of Ohio Congressional District 9. Somebody needs to step up to the plate here.



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