Posted by Tankerbabe on her blog "From Cow Pastures to Kosovo"...I've attended several events in DC over the past few years but I have NEVER seen crowds like the one on Saturday before. Not even close. I won't get into the numbers but it was not "tens of thousands" more like "hundreds of thousands." Here's the first photo I snapped a couple of blocks from Pennsylvania Avenue at around 10:30. The march wasn't set to kick off until 11:30.




To read this article and see many fabulous pictures go here.

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  • That is just the same group of people, pictures taken from different angles to make it look like 2,000,000.
    You can tell because all the flags are the same.
    No, wait. They also changed clothes . . . . . . and sizes . . . . . . and signs.
    So, see? It just LOOKS like 2,000,000.
    (For those who don't know me. I was THERE. 1 of 2,000,000. I'm making a tee shirt that says that.)
    Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works
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