Declaration of Causes

Hello fellow Patriots.DeclarationofCauses07061775.jpg

In my humble opinion we should follow that road map for over throwing tyranny that the Founder's laid out for us in their march to freedom.

This road map can be found in 3 documents.

  1. Declaration of Causes7/6/1775
  2. Declaration of Independence
  3. Natural Law which can be found in Two Treatises of Civil Government by John Lock

In my humble opinion, the first thing we should do is put together a Declaration of Causes either before May 16, 2014 or as one of the first orders of business on May 15, 2014.  (Sans the taking up of arms reference or stating the date upon which we would consider our peaceful remedies exhausted) I would be happy to participate in that process.

Please find below a rough draft of some of my thoughts on the solutions to some of our current Causes of action and some suggested solutions I have proposed from which some you should be able to deduce the issues and causes I deem important.

Class Assignment 3-Declaration of Causes @AmericanSpring @teaparty @occupy #military #militia @OathKeepers @PJNET

This discussion is written with the same intentions as Thomas Paine I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense”

Keep Fighting the Good Fight!

In Liberty,

Don T. Mashak

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