

I've had one member tell me that this group/PFA is doing nothing blah blah blah. Of course this was a new person and when I get something like this from someone my first instinct is to think - infiltrator. However, I could be wrong. So.............................................


I thought I should write to everyone and share that our work with the Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic is not done. You and I still have plenty of work to do on it and other things pertaining to it.


Here is a list of works that need to be completed:


1. Print a copy of the whole Declaration and keep the linked one on hand. Read it, study it, know it.


2. Print more copies, enough for all your state reps and governor, etc.

3. Make appointments to set meetings with each listed above (and more that you think of).

  1. Be respectful but firm
  • You know this material and truths, you have the evidences in your hands that you are giving them....they will not be able to spin, twist or play you. You are well prepared for this work. They will try but you are armed with the truth and won't let them. Don't let them give you non-answers and don't let them brush it under the rug and treat you as you are their subject!
  • Take a recorder that fits in your pocket. I have a voice file that has 7's a great gadget.
  • Hold a news conference and share the truths with them. The truths of the Declaration with evidences and also where your state legislators stand on this. Remember you have recorded their words.
  • Let them know that you will follow up with them, and that you expect them to research the evidences for themselves. If they refuse to do so, then they are an enemy of your state, our constitution and republic. They are an enemy of liberty!


4. Hook up with like-minded folks in your area. Start a group and work together on this work. I personally do not go to other group leaders and try to recruit them. I've learned most group leaders go into competition mode which makes it a stressful working environment. I go to individuals that I know for a fact they really want to restore our republic  and constitution. The others I do not waste my time on. Frankly folks, we are quickly running out of time - we don't have any to waste.

  1. What to watch for when recruiting for group members
  • There is always going to be the ones who will like 98% of anyones work but they will want to fuss over the 2% they don't like or agree with. They will berate and underhandedly sabotage the whole work and refuse to link arms with you/us on this unless they can change it. These will be the ones that will divide and conquer your group. We don't change the Declaration! We stay focused on what we have, speak with one voice and move forward. We don't let someone drag us backwards! They only do that because they want to be top dog! Well, sorry, we don't do top dogs! We work together as a team! The people I just described....move them out and good ones will join with you. If you allow the bad ones in, your group will not accomplish anything. The bad ones will run off the good ones!
  • Straight up....We do not link arms with folks of bad character. We have many people among our ranks who CLAIM to be conservatives. A claim does not make one a conservative. We do not link arms with any who link arms with squatters/occupiers/leftists/marxists/islam.
  • I do not just recruit any and everyone. I recruit only people of good character. If a person lacks honor and integrity, then I do not want to link arms with them.
  • When recruiting....make note of how the one your talking with makes decisions. Are their decisions made on "feelings" or "critical thinking."



PFA has state groups. This is exactly why we made the state groups. For you to work in. You can post in there, have discussions, work together. If you find there is a obvious divider in there, let Harry or myself know and we will deal with them quickly. As I said, we have no time left to waste.


Also, each member on PFA has their own blogs. You can write blogs to archive your works, etc. I personally however like discussions. I like the commenting section much better than how the commenting section is set up in blogs on ning.


Very important for everyone who wants to really work to restore our liberty - you need to apply for membership at USPU if a civilian or VDA if your a veteran or active duty service man/woman. You will always be in the loop if you are a member. There is a lot of info that only stays within our member-base. We don't open everything up to the public. When you are a member you will understand why. 


ATTENTION EVERYONE! - 11.11.11 is the beginning of a sustained operation that will require ongoing specific actions both locally in your area, and nationally, speaking with one voice. - There are no quick fixes available. This is a launch on 11.11.11 - not a one day fix-all. Please make sure that you repeat this message to everyone. Thanks!


Oh and 11.11.11 was not an event that is pointing to the 2012 elections. Many of us know the elections will not be our republics savior. "IF" we have them, we know there will be overwhelming voter fraud and intimidation!




You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America


  • Thank you Twana! I really appriciate your other good reply! But, as I said. I didn't have a positive responce from my Oregon leader. I have established a contact with Don from Clacamas, Oregon. But i haven't been able to get any info from the leader, the site or anything! Is there anyone out there?! Besides you Twana? He wants to hold a face to face, after the hollidays. Hs some friends that may want to be included also. I'm used to a me against "Them" resistance all my life. To starting out at the bottom and finally achieving Top or near top status in every thing i've done! Being a person right under the Intel plant manager was a great way to show others how to achieve too! So as i've said. We don't have much of anything. Especially TIME!! We need to hit the ground running this Spring! Again, thanks for acknowedging me and please try to link me up with someone that we, TOGETHER may be successful in leading America back!   God Bless!   Larry 503 505 3092 597 N. Dekum St. #206 Portland, Oregon 97217-1963

  •    Twana this battle has just started and if( whomever made that crapy stayement to you)if people think its going to be a quick fight they are crazy.

       I do quite a few things on that list of youres except media stuff.Not my game.Im not always online but im always arround.

  • Twana,


    I am sorry that I have not had time I would normally spend here and other places.  I have had to start limiting the number of blogs and sites I visit or receive alerts and updates from (currently have over 3200 unanswered/unforwarded/unread messages of one sort or another).  I recently have become so _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (did not want to use bad words) that I have not been reponding even to those sites and articles I do visit and read.  At my age I am afraid I already see what we are headed for and find that no matter what I personally do will have little effect.  However when I do see something that may educate or inform you can be sure it is given the widest distribution.


    Your messages are the best and everyone needs to pay them the most heed.  I thank you and Col. Riley for your undying time & effort.


    Semper Fi

  • Twana, I doubt that you know how much you do to preseve the freedom of American Patriots.  Thank You.

  • Thank you Twana! you are a ray of hope and I really needed one today I was hoping and praying the DR, Orly Taitz would be able to get oblowhole off of the ballot in New Hampshire. She has enough evidence on his phony social security number to get him impeached! I am starting to think that the whole government is corrupt.I would rather die with a gun in my hand than bow down to these marxist bastards.

    God bless, Billy Norton Rockford MN

    3534 Halsey Ave S.E Rockford MN 55373

    • Billy,

      most of the Government is corrupt.  I was also shocked to hear that OB got on the ballot in NH but NH is mostly


  • Twana, thank you so much for the information above. It is very helpful.  I am joining the Patriots Union, have joined my state group, although I have not heard from anyone yet.  I will get started doing what every American should do, contacting people and talking to my state and local reps.  I'm getting started ASAP. I always appreciate the information and advice you share.



    • Welcome aboard our Oregon group! I would like to get 2 person groups started to make our over 21 Million Vets and the public aware. That our time as a free country is running out! I'm in N. Portland. Regards, Larry

  • I read this post when it first hit yesterday and I've been thinking about it ever since.  So, finally, here's my two cent's worth;

    1. if you were not in DC with us on 11-11-11 then you have no right to "criticize" anything.
    2. We need "doer's"...not "talkers" (or in today's world "typers").  If you want to sit in your chair and read the blogs and type away then (imho) this is not the place for you.  This is about "boots on the ground" and gettin it done.  Let's go!  Get in and get with it!
    3. I keep seeing these posts with "if I wasn't so old..." or some variation of that excuse.  Well, Col.Riley is in his mid 70's and he was there in DC with his back to that 25 mph wind that about froze us all.  I'm 68, pushing 69 and I along with hundreds of other "grey hairs" were there right beside him.  None of us any "spring chickens" anymore.  Had you been in DC you would have heard a little history about a Patriot by the name of Samuel Whittemore.  Go google his name and read about him and his actions and then get back with me about the "I'm to old" part.

    "If not now...when?  If not us...who?"  Either way the final outcome of all this ends, what are you going to tell your grandchildren?  Maybe more importantly, what are going to tell the guy that looks back at you in the mirror when the question is asked..."what did you do to change it?"  I know (so far) that I can look the guy in the mirror dead in the eye and say and say "I did all I could".  I know (so far) that I can look my grandkids in the eye and say "I did what I could".  It may come to a point where it is there father telling them about their Grandfather who died while trying to protect the freedoms of our great Country.

    Is it scarey?  Hell yes!  Before we went on stage to speak I heard JB ask if we were scared.  I said "hell yes".  He said we'd be nuts not to be!  The second that The Declaration was published we drew a line in the sand.  Those of us that were in DC (and especially) those of us that spoke made a commitment.  There is no turning back, no "I changed my mind", no "oops...I made a mistake".  We are in.  In with both feet.

    They say the statistics show the Revolutionary War was fought by 2% to 3% of the population of this country.  So as you know, life is all about choices.  You have a choice at this point in history.  A choice to either make something happen or sit on the couch and watch Dancing with the Stars.

    • I agree! I would like to form 2 person groups to establish Vetern Visability. To place in malls, swap meets, etc. Then when the weather gets nicer. Start planing our 4th of July Rallies! Every min. we waste our enemy grows and takes over more and more! We don't have time to wait! Our time has come yesterday! Who will join me to take action?! We can't just set around and talk about it!   Regards, Larry V. Biggar

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