Democrat Set to Take Reins of Michigan GOP

H/T to Tim Kerlin for the info link below:

Here is a link where you can find Robert Schostaks contribution statistics. It is by campaign cycle.




"Michigan conservatives need to know the facts before they vote for new leadership this weekend! We see this happening all over the country now and the Tea Party is at the root of this problem. Truth hurts, but it must shine on!"
J.B. Williams



Right Side News


In a mailing to Michigan GOP delegates heading to the state GOP convention this weekend, local Tea Party Patriots leader Gene Clem opened with - “I am recommending Robert Schostak to you as the next Chairman of the Michigan Republican Party (MRP).” - calling upon fellow Michigan GOP delegates to support Schostak and his bid to become Chairman of the Michigan GOP.


Clem goes on to make a very important statement in his missive to fellow Republican Delegates – “Let me be clear: the Tea Party Movement (TPM) is not a part of the Republican Party. The TPM has many Independents and Democrats who would never join the Republican Party. The Republican Party is the chosen tool of the TPM to elect government officials. You must understand that relationship.”

The reason Clem wants to be so clear, is his candidate for head of the Michigan GOP is not Republican, or at the very least, he is certainly not a “constitutional conservative” like Clem and other Tea Party Patriots claim to desire in office.


In the 2008 election cycle, Robert “Bobby” Schostak not only gave thousands to Tea Party nemesis John McCain, he also gave generously to several key Democrats that make the list of the Tea Parties top political targets…


                Nancy Pelosi (D) California

                John Kerry (D) Massachusetts

                Frank Lautenberg (D) New Jersey

                Mark Udall (D) Colorado

                Jack Reed (D) Rhode Island


According to all known Tea Party propaganda over the last two years, the Tea Party is for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, secure borders and constitutional conservative principles and values. On this basis, why would “conservative” organizations like Tea Party Patriots and icaucus support a GOP leader who supported known hardcore leftists like Pelosi and Kerry in the last election cycle?


The answer might be easier than you think. From 2008 thru 2010, Schostak also gave tens of thousands to the fledgling Michigan Republican Party, greasing the path for his bid to take control of the Michigan State Republican Party.


From a February 2009 Michigan Republican Party press release – “Michigan Republican Party Chairman Ron Weiser announced the appointment of Robert Schostak as the party's new finance chairman. Schostak has an extensive background in campaign fundraising strategies, previously assisting United States Senator Spencer Abraham, Gubernatorial Candidate Dick DeVos, and 2008 Presidential Candidate John McCain.”

Schostak’s campaign giving pattern is that of a politico buying a seat at the big boy table, spreading his wealth around both political parties as he searches for a way in the door of party power somewhere. I get what he’s doing and why… but why would this type of individual draw the endorsement and support of Tea Party Patriots and sister organization Freedom Works, or constitutionally conservative candidate vetting group icaucus?


Why would a Tea Party organizer like Gene Clem work so hard to support a GOP Chairman that supported Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and John McCain in 2008?


“We are two concerned citizens who have given two years of our lives to the current struggle for the restoration of our republic. I am proud to march at Bobby's side for the next two-year fight.” - Said Clem, in closing his campaign pitch for Schostak.


Last December, Tea Party Express darling, Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was in Michigan offering up her special brand of political rhetoric. Bachmann was in the state to stump for Robert ‘Bobby’ Schostak and his bid to become the chair of the Michigan Republican Party.


So, let me see… Schostak was hand-picked by new Governor Snyder? – and…

Southwest Michigan Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Express, Freedom Works, icaucus, Gene Clem and Michelle Bachmann all support Robert “Bobby” Schostak for Chairman of the Michigan GOP, who supported Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and John McCain in 2008?


Seems at least some real Michigan conservatives find this a bit odd as well – “Now that Michigan has a choice for the GOP chairman position, I would like to ask everyone who might be voting at the Michigan GOP convention on Friday, to support Troy Rolling. He’s not part of the existing Michigan GOP party and that, my friends, is his BEST ASSET. Let me tell you a few things about the current powers-that-be in the Michigan GOP.” states – “The biggest complaint that people talk about are Schostak's connections to Democrats like Al Gore, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Debbie Stabenow and Jennifer Granholm.” This is a race for leader of the GOP, isn’t it?


My how the stomach turns inside today’s political Tea Party wrestling match for power. Funny what money can buy, huh?


As Gene Clem said in closing his pitch for Democratic Socialist financier Schostak, – “Do your own research. Take any opportunity you may have to speak to Bobby and make your choice based the best information available and your knowledge of the man.”

Get to know your fellow Tea Partiers a little better too… a Republican Party of non-republicans… hmmm, only a Democrat would have come up with that!





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  • OMG, how stupid are these people?  If they put this democrat in charge of the Republican party, they all need to be terminated from the party!  I think this is the worst case of republican ignorance I have heard this week!!!!!
  • WHAT does it take to get the American voters to understand that there is NO ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCE between the two main parties?  BOTH parties are headed by advocates for a New World Order -- they're globalists locked in financially to the internatiional cartel of bankers, corporations and the military-industrial complex that Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about!  Check YouTube for speeches by George H. W. Bush -- who clearly defined his goals for a New World Order.  Why do you suppose that his son, G.W. was adamantly open-border and NAFA proponent AND even signed away America's sovereignty when he endorese the Law of the Seas Treaty which surrendered our military to control by the United Nations!

    Your support of either party guarantees that America will only receieve more of what we've been getting!  Vote INDEPENDENT.  ... AND, THINK independently.  J.B. Williams is spot-on in his observations in this  post, above. 


  • iCaucus has not endorsed Robert Schostak, or anyone else for Michigan Republican Party Chair.


    Frank Anderson,

    Co-Founder, iCaucus

    • Frank,, are you not the person who recruited and endorsed from outside the republican party Steve Mobley ?Recruiting him from outside the party and seating him in as the head of the county GOP ? 


      Is this not the same area you now support a progressive to run the GOP for the state?   Is this what is behind the candidates that you endorse for the tea party as a whole ?


      If it is,,,,, what does this have to say for the tea party folks and candidates that work with ICaucus.  I do not have that warm and fuzzy feeling that you and others do not have an agenda and question your motives of involvement.

    • Frank, stop the wordsmithing game. You saw that we queried the icaucus rep in Michigan, Don Jakel. His repsonse has been posted here, verbatum, in full context. - "Several of us have researched him and talked with him and believe he is a reasonably good candidate.  Better than Rolling.  We extracted some promises that he would run fair meetings, welcome participation by liberty-minded delegates, stay neutral in primaries and back conservatives in the general.  We are cautiously optimistic." - Is Don Jakel your icaucus Michigan rep?


      I know your co-founder Frank,, this is why you have to take some responsibility.  I am the co-founder of the US Patriots Union,,,  But Frank,,,  It is not about me or what I have done,,,,, It is about giving truth full answers and information to apply for themselves as it is all who are involved. Not any one individual.


      You still have not answered the question put to you about Mr. Mobley  Like I said,,, word smithing days and running are over.

      • What wordsmithing do you see?


        I am taking responsibility for iCaucus, and I cant state it any clearer: iCaucus has not endorsed Mr. Schostak, and I can personally take responsibility for that non-endorsement.


        You wrote: "You saw that we queried the icaucus rep in Michigan, Don Jakel. His response has been posted here, verbatum, in full context. - "Several of us have researched him and talked with him and believe he is a reasonably good candidate.  Better than Rolling.  We extracted some promises that he would run fair meetings, welcome participation by liberty-minded delegates, stay neutral in primaries and back conservatives in the general.  We are cautiously optimistic."


        First of all, no I did not see that you queried Din Jakel other than what you've posted here and elsewhere in this thread. yes, Don Jakel is the iCaucus state leader, and according to what you've posted on this thread he has told you that we have not endorsed Schostak.


        You did not post his reply here verbatim in context...because what you posted above leaves out the sentence Don Jakel wrote to you that immediately preceded what you posted here, which was: 


        "We don't endorse for state party offices."  


        The only candidates who get iCaucus endorsement are those that follow our process and receive a 70% approval vote of local members. Period.


        What is your question about Mr. Mobley? 

  • It is about time we forgot about the Democrats who are mainly Progressive and the Republicans who are almost mainly Progressives and established a Constitutional Conservative Party.  The Progressives (Markist Socialists) have only one goal in mind. That is the complete destruction of our great nation.
    • Arthur Harvey's solution is a dream.   All third parties do is drain votes from the party they split from.  Third parties never win major elections.  The real answer is for strong unification.  Republicans must adopt real conservatism and the Tea Party goals to have a strong effective patriotic Party.   The Republicans must stop dividing themselves on social issues and get back to the basics as specified by the Tea Party.    The socialists love to see the Republicans spend all their resources and split apart arguing about unsolvable social issues.   Let's unify and get the government back on track as a Constitutional small effective government.


      • We have to make this CLEAR! If the NRC doesn't get with and stay the conservative values the NRC will be a the new THIRD party. Politics as usual is what got us to this point in time.


      • The Republican Party supplanted the Whigs as the second main party in 1861 and got Lincoln elected back then; as their first Presidential candidate.  Why couldn't that happen again if enough of the Constitutional conservatives banded together and stood behind one candidate?  There hasn't been a strong 3rd party because they've chosen such narrow stands mostly.  But there are enough disillusioned Dems now who might be drawn over if the right candidate was presented, and independents who could be as well.  It may well be time to seriously consider this notion; clearly the Republican party has NOT gotten the message as an entity at all, and keeps fielding the same old, same old.  It may well be beyond fixing and we haven't time to waste trying to fix it first., our nation is in too deep already.
This reply was deleted.


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