Democrats use the Coronavirus pandemic to take over American elections;
That’s what is happening quietly in Washington right now.
The Democrats are trying to say that our standard system of electing a President and Vice President are endangering Americans by forcing them to go to a voting station to cast their ballots.
They are pushing for “Vote-by-mail” and even voter ballot “drop-boxes”. While those two ideas are bad enough to destroy our elections systems in themselves, the idea of the federal government taking over our elections system is even worse. That idea would put some federal bureaucracy such as the US Census bureau or the IRS in charge of our elections. These bureaucracies of course are then in turn controlled by Congress. And THAT idea puts Nancy Pelosi in charge of who is elected as President.
Even after Pelosi is gone, and perhaps a Republican may be speaker of the House, this is still a really bad idea. It is in fact a total destruction of our American political system.
This is reminiscent of when Russian dictator Joseph Stalin said, “ It doesn’t matter how many people vote or who they vote for, the only thing that matters is who counts those votes”.
Do American’s really want Congress, and perhaps Nancy Pelosi counting our votes?
I don’t think so.
This is a really BAD idea.