August 22, 2012Contact: Chad Kolton


Campaign Still Promotes "One Chance" Ad Featuring Military, Sit Room Footage For Political Attack

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Remarks by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, that the use of the military for partisan politics "eroded that bond of trust we have with the American people" underscored the shame of the Obama campaign's "One Chance" ad, which featured military footage and photographs from the White House Situation Room to support a highly partisan message that criticized the president's political opponent. The Obama campaign continues to promote the ad on its YouTube channel.

"The Obama campaign continues to promote a highly partisan attack ad that used military footage and photographs from the White House Situation Room to support sharp criticism of the president's political opponent," said Scott Taylor, president of OPSEC. "The use of those in uniform and the work they do for partisan political purposes is not only unhelpful, as General Dempsey said, but is dishonorable and the campaign should immediately remove the ad for good."

Responding to other comments from Dempsey about OPSEC, Taylor said "We respect the Chairman's views but as we are no longer on active duty we also appreciate our right to speak freely on issues we feel passionate about, including protecting those still in uniform from intelligence leaks and being used for partisan political purposes. Our nation has a very long history of former military figures continuing to serve the country through political activism, including 115 members of the current Congress and countless others."

"Speaking openly about protecting those in uniform is far more helpful than speaking about classified intelligence or Special Operations missions, tactics and capabilities, which bipartisan leaders have said has reached alarming levels under this administration," concluded Taylor. "We will continue to make our voices in heard in defense of those who are not allowed to speak out for themselves."

OPSEC last week announced the release of "Dishonorable Disclosures," a documentary short film that views the impact of the increasing number of leaks on Intelligence and Special Operations missions, tradecraft, tactics and capabilities from the perspective of those who have relied on these tools to carryout similar missions and protect themselves and those they served alongside. The film will be shown at events in key states across the country over the next several months, including Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Colorado, North Carolina and Nevada. More information about OPSEC and news about the release of "Dishonorable Disclosures" can be found at www.OpSecTeam.org.

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  • Obama and his flunkies will not learn the lesson being taught here. It's like attempting to teach a one year old not to slobber on themselves. USING THE MILITARY FOR POLITICS IS WRONG DUMB A**!

  • Just one more example of B. Hussein's continuing failures in office..........The lies and the leaks are amazing. How and why did anybody vote for him?????????????????

  • I think all those questions will be answered when obama unleases all that ammunition purchases by three of his Departments. They are aiming their guns at us and those guns are loaded with hollow points.

  • You can rest assured that Dempsey cleared his comments with the White House before he made them.  This is all a set up so he can appear to legitimately criticize the OPSEC veterans.  This is the first time I can remember an active duty general officer, let alone the chairman of the joint chiefs, speaking out during a political campaign.  This simply goes to prove that these people will stop at nothing to get obozo reelected.  It also goes to show what a political hack Dempsey is.  In the for what it's worth department the name these vets chose for themselves is the Army's, and I would assume all of special ops, acronym for Operational Security.

  • Too bad too many folks on the top of the totem pole have also consumed the cool aide. See my previous comments as regards the flag ranks and their upholding their oaths of office.

    • Absolutely right Larry.  Most civilians don't realize that when they pin that first star on they are no longer military officers they are politicians.  And, the training to be a politician begins at the O6 level.

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