Pat Dollard






Dozens of House Democrats are calling for an investigation into potential conflict-of-interest issues involving Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.


As the Supreme Court begins its fall session, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) and some of their colleagues are asking the House Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on alleged ethical violations and raising questions on whether the justice can be impartial.


Among their charges against Thomas: that the justice failed to report at least $1.6 million that his wife, Ginni, had earned since 1997; that he might have failed to report gifts from rich supporters; and that he inappropriately solicited donations for favored non-profits, according to their letter sent to Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and ranking member John Conyers (D-Mich.).


“The Supreme Court’s greatest assets are its integrity and the public trust,” Blumenauer said in a statement. “Yet for months now, concerns have been building about the unwillingness or the inability of the Supreme Court to address allegations of potential ethics violations by Justice Clarence Thomas.”


Blumenauer was still collecting signatures on Wednesday night, and told POLITICO that 45 lawmakers have so far attached their names to the letter.


The Democrats’ concern over Ginni Thomas’s income stem from 13 years’ worth of revised disclosure reports that Thomas released in January, which detailed his wife’s earnings from Hillsdale College, the Heritage Foundation, and House Republican leaders, among other sources. Those figures had been left off Thomas’s previous disclosure forms because, the justice said at the time, he had a “misunderstanding of filing instructions.”


Wednesday’s letter is the second time Democrats have taken aim at Thomas in the last week over what they say are troubling ethical concerns. Last Thursday, 20 House Democrats called on the Justice Department to investigate the same allegations into Thomas in a letter to Judicial Conference of the United States, which oversee the federal court system.


“To believe that Justice Thomas didn’t know how to fill out a basic disclosure form is absurd,” Slaughter said last week.


A Supreme Court spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment on Wednesday.



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  • Slaughter is a social marxist from the Rochester area that should have been out years ago but redistricted for the dems in NY...she got 10 years in office longer than she should have. This is the same biotch who came up with the "slaughter Solution" to try to shove HC down our throats...


  • Seems to me that a lot of dems don't know how to fill out income tax forms!  To me, that is inexcusable!
  • They have been trying to do Thomas in since the Anita Hill hearings and it hasn't worked yet.  This won't work either, Thomas will not give in to this High Tech Leaching either!
  • One Timothy Geithner comes to mind...
  • Why don't they go after BH Obama and demand an ethics probe?
  • Why does it seem ethics violations are ok for the Dems, but never for Repubs?

    And Ginni is not a Supreme Court justice.

    How about Chris Dodd's lobbyist wife, Conyer's wife and many many others.

    Equality is ok but it needs to cut both ways-See (H) Clinton, Wrangel and all the others.

  • Eveytime he Dems get ready to do a character assasination; it should be preceded by a fan fare and background music of "Devil With The Blue Dress" . Now there's a stain and the Elephants are close but "No Cigar"; so no humo, (thats smoke in Spanish), but were glad that Hillary has a Huma. There's a saying also in spanish that goes - " El quien tiene culo de paja no se encima la candela" - -He who has straw for a backside doesn't climb up on a flame. Butt the donkey's got No shame.
  • If  anyone should be investigated it is eric hellder, sotomyotis, the other rats.
  • healthcare...deathcare...obamacare....
  • This is the head of the DOJ we need I am sending a letter out cetified signature required so he will at least get it. I believe this man is one that with enough PATRIOTIC public support he will STAND. I say send letters support him ask for full investigations.

    What do the rest of you say?

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