DRScoundrels blog

Do you really want to see the character
of the Democratic Party?
Do you truly think that the Democrats are so
strong willed, so brave, so kind, so caring?

Do you really believe that they wouldn’t turn
their backs on you?

Well, here we have a situation where it seems that the
true colors of Nancy and Harry come shining through.

The Democrats are getting ready to pull the plug
on patients who don’t have any hope of living.
Politically speaking, of course.

It doesn’t matter that we have two months left to fight,
the Dems are getting ready to throw in the white towel
on some of the races. And it isn’t just a few of the rookies.
They are wanting to concentrate on two dozen races
to try and save them.

This means that there are some races that
just don’t deserve, in the leaderships’ eyes,
money, time or assistance.

People like:

Reps. Betsy Markey of Colorado,
Tom Perriello of Virginia,
Mary Jo Kilroy of Ohio
Frank Kratovil Jr. of Maryland,

whose districts were among the 55 Democrats won from
Republicans in the last two election cycles.

Reps. John M. Spratt Jr. of South Carolina,
chairman of the Budget Committee,
Earl Pomeroy of North Dakota,
who is seeking a 10th term,
are among senior Democrats who have appeared to
gain little ground in the summer months in the toxic
political environment. A sputtering economy and
discontent with Washington have created a high
sense of voter unease that has also put control
of the Senate in question.

Nancy and Harry are leaving their children adrift.
So much for the “People’s Congress” or do they
mean “Just the People at the Top Congress”?
Anything to try and keep their vestiges of power,
anything to thwart the coming storm.

The storm that is roiling due to their
incompetence and arrogance.

The storm due to their forcing legislation
poorly crafted and illogical for any kind of
growth or stability for businesses large and
small to bring us out of this depression.

This depression caused by Freddie,
Fannie and the poorly thought out
“everyone must be a homeowner”
policy of Clinton, Carter, Acorn and
supported through the lies of Frank and Dodd’s
resounding “no – everything is fine”.

A storm being brought about because the numbers
went from 4.6% unemployment and 8 trillion in debt
before Nancy and Harry took over in 2006 and
has gone to 9.6% (though much higher in reality)
unemployment and 13.5 trillion in debt since then.

A storm that is coming because people are educating
themselves-- like NEA run schools have not been.
Teaching themselves history, Constitution,
civics and government, properly.
The people are finding out that a majority
of the power rests in the Congress.

No, the Dems are choosing to ask their members
to donate from their successful campaigns to
help marginal ones, and damn the rest.

Anything to keep Nancy and Harry on top, right?

And instead of running their campaign based
upon their “victories” they are instead hiding
behind more Bush bashing.


Man up, own up – it’s time to take the blame.

Bush owned the economy 6 months
after Clinton according to the press.
Nancy and Harry are a full year behind,
sniveling into their hankies while
watching you to see if you’re buying it.
And when you turn and walk away,
they laugh at your backs.

Nancy, Harry,
run on what you’ve accomplished,
run on your plans.

Run on your planks of union and

taxation through cap and trade.

Run on not bringing back the Bush cuts,
that really did AID business, and had the
economy growing at 4% + for almost 8 years.

Run on the stimulus plan that cost more in
1.5 years than the ENTIRE eight year Iraq war.

But all you can do is be mean, spitefilled, arrogant.
Use your playground bully tactics, your Alinsky principles.

I bet you don’t even realize that a large portion
of the population has seen right through that.

That they remember people like you from back in
their time in school, and have come to resent the
spew, the vitriol, the hatefulness.

You have come to represent the kid who will come
and take people’s money, make fun of them crying,
and beat them up when the numbers are on your side.

The fun part in life is when the kid realizes he’s grown
up enough to face up to the bully and watch the fear on
the “tough guys" face.

Nancy, Harry,
this strategy is showing the fear on your face.

And it is joyous to see.

Where’s your gavel now, walking through that crowd?

I remember that picture.

So do we all.

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