Diane Feinstein’s gun control legislation – one piece at a time.


These people are really sneaky. We’ve all been sitting out here waiting and watching for Senator Diane Feinstein to push her massive gun control legislation through the US Senate. But that’s not how they’re doing it. Rather than attempting to push one single massive piece of gun controls past the American people, they have chopped it up into many different smaller pieces and submitted it by several different legislators.

Ms. Sheila Jackson Lee from Texas has at least three pieces submitted under her name. Two different Congressmen from New York State have introduced pieces in the House.

This tactic is meant to misdirect and mislead both the public and their fellow representatives in Congress.

Another tactic being used is to block the web sites from publishing what legislation has been introduced so that we cannot fight again it, how can we fight to stop something if we don’t even know it’s been introduced?

I’ve been trying to track any legislation currently being introduced in either house of Congress. What I’ve found is truly alarming. So far I’ve listed three note pad pages of bills introduced that pertain either to some form of gun control, ammunition control, control of licensing, or control of dealers and gun shows. The list is extensive for sure and that only shows things up until January 4th. Anything submitted after that is not even listed yet. Today is the 9th, five days after the listings stopped.

There are several ways to track bills and legislation being introduced in Congress, here are three of them;





On the Senate.gov page you have to change the date and then look up any legislation that was introduced on that day, but the listings stop on January 4th. Nothing introduced after that is shown. Click on “Obtain a list of all legislation introduced on the specified date”.

Within those three pages of note pad tags there is also several pieces of proposed legislation pertaining to UN Agenda-21 that has been introduced plus two pieces to repeal the term limits for president. They want this bastard to be president for life.

I know there are several ways that Congress can be monitored and if anyone out here knows of another method please post it here. We cannot allow these people to get away with their destruction of this country.




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