The Patriots News

Penned by : Christopher G. Adamo - (9/23/12)


The “unexpected” nature of the pandemic of chaos throughout the Middle East is really
no different than any of the other unanticipated problems now confronting the Obama
Administration. Certainly, the $831 billion dollar “stimulus” of early 2009 should have
had the nation’s economy humming by now, with Main Street thriving on account
of all the new businesses, hiring those unemployed people, and giving them Cadillac
health-care coverage in the process. Just as certainly, Barack Obama’s flowery but
empty platitudes of “hope and change,” the fake Greek columns where he accepted the
Democrat nomination for the White House, and the self-adulation of those willing to elect
him should have sufficed to buoy the nation beyond its economic doldrums, especially
when buttressed by those dollars now flowing so freely from Washington.

To the surprise of the “experts” however, the United States is drowning in a sea of red ink
(with the manufacture of red ink being outsourced figuratively, and perhaps also literally,
to China). The national debt has now topped $16 trillion, and is still climbing. The cost of
every wonderful entitlement program from food stamps to Social Security is ballooning,
yet the revenues needed to maintain such programs are just not coming into the national
treasury. Despite all of the pronouncements of one “recovery” after another (Starting in
the summer of 2009, and then repeated each year thereafter), the economy is as stagnant
as it was on the day of Barack Obama’s inauguration. No doubt this is because greedy
business owners refuse to spread the wealth. Somehow, things just are not working out as

With total indifference to the suffering and deprivation of the Heartland, he and his
wife regularly jet to high dollar vacation locales while the peasantry folk watch from a
respectful distance. Eventually, they will recognize that it is their lot to gratefully rejoice
at the prospect of being handed shovels with which to embark on their new careers. This
is the not-so-dazzling reality behind the “chicken in every pot” subsistence that somehow
supplanted the founders’ vision of a people unshackled and empowered to engage in
the “pursuit of happiness.”

Undaunted, the liberal political establishment and its media parrots still sing the
praises of Barack Obama’s “historic” term in office. But if he truly regards this era as a
resounding success, why did he not quantifiably make that case at the Democrat National
Convention rather than merely disparaging Mitt Romney? And why did he instead
champion the ongoing cultural rot under the phony premise of rallying and leading the
opposition to that mythical “war on women”? Certainly, the accelerated unraveling of
the fabric of society, to which his policies have contributed, tells a far different and much
more tragic story. And women are among its casualties.

Internationally, America was ostensibly redeemed for all of its past wrongs by the mere
fact that a majority of its population had voted for Obama. Better still, he was willing
to engage in that infamous bowing and groveling to every tin-horn despot on the world
stage, while apologizing for the former moral deficiencies of this nation which, by

virtue of his position at the helm, have now been atoned. Henceforth, people everywhere
should love us and congratulate us for our determination to operate from a position of
self-imposed weakness. So should anyone really be surprised that reality has upset this
dream, and the forces of brutality and oppression in less civilized regions are seizing the
occasion to assert themselves against our country?

The real tragedy of our current plight reaches far beyond the horror of a murdered United
States Ambassador and members of his staff, or the outrage of a black Islamist flag being
raised over the American Embassy in Cairo, after Old Glory was torn down a desecrated
by a seething mob of angry Muslims. Rather, it is that this is the inevitable manifestation
of the “Arab Spring,” which was aided and abetted through criminally warped U.S.
policy, based in weakness and appeasement, among societies that admittedly never liked
us and never will but were reasonably restrained by a respect for our strength, back when
we had the resolve to use it.

However, instead of waking up and working to secure the safety of American citizens
and shoring up our international standing, the current administration is focused primarily,
if not exclusively, on political damage control. Having endeavored to save face after the
sudden implosion of its flower-child/Woodstock diplomatic approach, its attention was
frantically redirected to Mitt Romney’s criticism of the Obama Administration and the
State Department, as if Romney’s words alone posed a more dire threat to the security of
America than the virulent hatred of the Islamists.

Ever since, “official reports” from the Administration amounted to an embarrassing
succession of fabrications, all of which are clearly intended to convince the public that
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have enjoyed stellar successes in their Middle Eastern
relations, only tarnished by a few random and uncoordinated acts of violence. September
11, the date of these “spontaneous” anti-American protests, was purely coincidental.
The real bone of contention was an anti-Muslim video, posted on YouTube. Only after
more than a week has the White House suggested that the attacks might have been the
coordinated and premeditated work of terrorist organizations including al Qaeda.

Meanwhile, the projection of weakness and appeasement continues. In what can only be
properly characterized as creeping Sharia in America, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the
producer of the video, has been roundly condemned before the marauding foreigners by
his own country’s government, and was subsequently apprehended for “questioning.”
In total abandonment of their sworn duty to protect his free speech and expression,
the Administration and its surrogates denounced not the rioting bands of Islamists,
but Nakoula, in the harshest of terms. Is this how they intend to refurbish and improve
American/Islamist relations that, we were told, should have blossomed under the
leadership of Barack Obama?

Just how does the public castigation of Nakoula really impact the time-honored freedoms
of speech and religion once enjoyed by every American? In essence, those entrusted to
protect and uphold his rights have decided that he somehow abused and forfeited them by
going on the attack against Islam. It is noteworthy that they never make this case against

the anti-Christian “artwork” which is so prominent among America’s counterculture.
All too often it is even subsidized, meaning that taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for
blasphemous such displays.

Secondly, though the government harassment of Nakoula is clearly being perpetrated to
impress upon those militant Islamists that they have friends in high places in the U.S.
government it is also intended to send a stern and not-so-subtle message to the rest of
America. Islamic states demand that any disparagement of them and their religion be
suppressed, and the Obama administration intends to comply. Americans who cross the
line by offending the Muslim world do so facing the likelihood of retribution from our
leaders as well.

No doubt, it is believed at the highest levels of the U.S. government that these exhibitions
of liberal enlightenment will usher in a golden age of mutual respect and understanding
among the nations of the world, just as the collectivist domestic policy is still expected
to eventually create a socialist utopia within our shores. Unfortunately, reality is slow to
impress the idealistically blind. If the devastation on Main Street over the past four years
is not sufficient to persuade these committed leftists, it is hardly likely that the venomous
anti-American attitudes of the “Arab Street” will infuse common sense into their thinking

Christopher G. Adamo


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  • Obama supports the terrorist and himself only not America....

  • The Venom of Islam has reared it's ugly head since 9/11/12...No matter how "progressive" your thinking, you had better prepare to be be bitten if you're handling a snake...It is inevitable.

    • Islam has been raising its ugly head since 610 A.D., and it has been beaten back several times.  Sadly, no one has seen fit to dispatch the Mohammedan serpent when it has been on the ropes.  All of this terrorism nonsense, which has been going on in earnest since the early 1970's, is the WWIII analog to Japan's adventures in Manchuria and Hitler's land grabs in the 1930's.

      Hang on; it's coming.

      • Great post, Ed,  so much truth in so few words!

        • Thank you!  I am the news director for a local radio/television station, and "succinct" is my middle name!  I am also "on-air talent" as well as (sole) RF engineer at both stations; when the station is small, everyone wears a lot of hats.

  • obama has been a diaster.

  • The lower level "Liberals" think they're going to be protected by their so called chosen one.... guess what... you won't be... you'll just be a piece of trash under his feet getting the crap with the rest of us. While he and his chosen few will reap his benefits. He needs to be shown the way out the back door along with all of his czars and cabinet members ....

  • What kind of "foreign policy" is apologizing and appeasing, bowing and scraping, and groveling and sniveling,?

    • Those that are working for the brotherhood or terrorist...

  • Well said, Christopher.

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