Guys, I need you to listen up. I know I'm posting over the top of your discussions here, but this is important.
This is where the real game is. Obama is working as an agent for a foreign cartel, an investment cartel that includes Soros and Saudi Arabia among others.

The Movie; Lets Make Money:
Top documentary film 2008.

Watch it on Netflix if you can.
This film is produced by a group of Anti-Capitalists, make no mistake about that part. These people hate capitalism, and after watching this film you might too.
The subject of this film is about the top ½ of 1% of the world's richest investors and how they continually make money by ripping off the rest of the world population. I'm not going to try to write a full review or a report on this documentary film, That is not my purpose here. My purpose in writing this is to encourage you to watch this film so that you may become aware of what is going on in America right NOW. One of the most effective methods of raping a Country and stealing all it's wealth is by getting the leaders to spend the country into massive amounts of debt. And then “foreclosing” on that debt. And just like any other debt once the creditors foreclose and demand payment you have to figure out how you're going to pay that debt. It's the same if you're talking about your credit card debt, your home mortgage or if we're talking about our national debt. Which right now stand at somewhere around 18 Trillion dollars.
The main thing that is pointed out in this film is that once these foreclosure take place, and the countries hand over all their national assets and wealth, the debts are never settled. No matter how much a country pays these people the debts are never paid off. They have to just keep paying, and paying, and paying, into eternity.
Now comes my real point; This is exactly what is happening right now right here in America.
America's creditors have called in those debts. They have called in the payments on all that 18 Trillion dollars. This is who Obama is really working for, Saudi Arabia and some of the other world banking and finance investors. So what is it that they think they are going to use to pay the installments on all that debt? The entire interior land mass of the United States of America. Including all lands and minerals. And it's starting with Nevada and Cliven Bundy's ranch. (Thanks to Senator Harry Reid).
Watch this documentary film. But watch it in the context of understanding the scam. Get a grasp on what is really happening. Remember this film was made in 2008, put that into perspective with today's level of debt in the US since Obama took office in 2009. Our debt has increased over 9 Trillion dollars since then.

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  • Old Rooster~ 

    Let me first say 'Thank you' for allowing me and everyone to access and post on your Ning Network. I just can't thank you enough.  Second, IMHO, you do not ever need to apologize (although I think I understand why) for posting whatever you want whenever you want on your site. 

    The Documentary states exactly the reasons to clean up our government and restore our Constitutional Freedoms - I pray that it is not too late.  The fact that it was produced in 2008 should really be a 'slap-in-the-face' wakeup call for the world.  We watched from our ring-side seats as this nightmare ran right over us.  How are we going to fix this mess? 

    You may appreciate these video links that were forwarded to me yesterday: 

    "Full Disclosure", by Hon. Paul T. Hellyer: [Youtube - 34:21 Minutes]:  

    Corbett Report - Global ID Control Grid:    

    Thanks again.

    In Prayer and Peace. 

    • Hellyer lost me the second he revealed his true motive - Islam / Allah.  Sorry - I WILL not go there!  I do agree with him, however, that the US and all other countries need to remove themselves from the middle Eastern countries and let them settle their own differences.  We need to return to the Founders' intent of no involvement in the politics and policies of other countries.

      • Yeah, I have to reevaluate his Islam-Allah reasoning.    I do agree with his warnings about the NWO Cabals taking over -- at our expense. The main reason our leaders got involved with the middle east was 'greed'.  All the money spent meddling with other countries should have been spent here at home.  We've lost far too much blood and money with a ding-a-ling foreign policy to begin with. 

  • We had a lot of warnings, and it wasn't until Glenn Beck got our attention and began to teach about what was coming - but no one knew what to do to stop it. 

    I don't believe that POTUS 'honestly' won both elections, especially the second election. (For the record, I never voted for him.)  Nonetheless, we are stuck with him.  He and his cohorts are once again hinting about him getting another/extended term. 

  • Yup.  Although we would have to get support from the leadership to accomplish Impeachment. 

    Right now the leadership is entangled and distracted with the mess POTUS has made in foreign policies.  Meanwhile the POTUS government is slashing our Constitutional freedoms. 

    • Morning Star, I don't believe our leadership is distracted at all. You need to understand except for a few they are all the same page, the same team, the same agenda, this is a consorted effort to transform our nation by our elected representatives to transform not only America but the world. We only THINKvwe have a two part system, when in fact we have a one party system under the control of the banking eliete. Why do you think they have not moved for impeachment all this time, and I can guarrentee they will not
      • Yeah, I'm somewhat afraid that you are spot-on about that.  The few that are not on the same page as the other corrupted leaders - may still be willing to address and support an impeachment effort.  

        Before seeing your reply, I posted some links about Presidential Impeachment.  Perhaps a little 'push' from the people will put the issues 'on the table'.  The calls for impeachment have been muted to say the least, and there wasn't much public support.  Perhaps as the public starts to feel the sting of increased police actions, forced vaccinations, unemployment and imposed refugee policies, ... there may be more support.  

        I don't know why there has not been any movement on the impeachment issue exactly, other than speculations.  The warmer weather will probably be the start of a new protest movements - this may be another opportunity to reintroduce the impeachment issue. 

        I will not surrender to the Marxist/socialist/communist tyranny. 

        Silence equals consent. 

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