DOJ just doesn't have the time to make sure our deployed troops ballots are sent out in time so their votes can be counted, but the DOJ sure has enough time to make sure poll watchers are discouraged from doing that work. I guess DOJ doesn't want all of the election fraud that has/is being exposed be exposed. California, Arkansas....etc, ACORN, UNIONS, etc. Keep doing what you're doing and plan on watching your polling stations....This thug style intimidation doesn't work on the American Spirit. We lace up our boots and get the job done!



Yeah i wonder which is really voter intimidation, a small white guy with a clip board and a pen hovering over someone or a black panther in somewhat military garb standing outside a polling station with a weapon? the answer is pretty obvious to me. the real issue here, as i have said before, is a single voter registration and authentication process that allows one standard for all to go by that ensures the integrity of the voting system which yes, has had fraud in it despite TPM's reporting. ACORN anyone?



Catherine Engelbrecht of True The Vote

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2010 Elections, Harris County, John Tanner, King Street Patriots, Tea Parties, True The Vote, voter fraud

Poll watchers in Harris County, Texas -- where a Tea Party group launched an aggressive anti-voter fraud effort -- were accused of "hovering over" voters, "getting into election workers' faces" and
blocking or disrupting lines of voters who were waiting to cast their ballots as early voting got underway yesterday.

Now, TPMMuckraker has learned, the Justice Department has interviewed witnesses about the alleged intimidation and is gathering information about the so-called anti-voter fraud effort.

"We are currently gathering information regarding this matter," Justice Department spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa said in a statement confirming the Civil Rights Division's involvement. Harris County, the biggest county in the state, is where a Tea Party group called the King Street Patriots launched an anti-voter fraud initiative called "True the Vote," which recruited poll watchers and amped up fears over groups like the community organizing group ACORN.

Chad Dunn, a lawyer who is representing the Texas Democratic Party, told TPMMuckraker a number of witnesses have been interviewed by Civil Rights Division lawyers already. "We've gotten a number of reports -- quite a few out of the Houston area -- that poll watchers, King Street Patriot training poll watchers, are following a voter after they've checked them out and stand right behind them," Dunn said. There's at least a dozen reports that they could confirm with witnesses, he said. "Interestingly, it's all in the polling places in Hispanic and African-American areas," he added.

Terry O'Rourke, the first assistant in the Harris County Attorney's office, told TPMMuckraker that there have been allegations of poll watchers talking to voters, which they are not allowed to do, as well as hovering over voters as they are waiting to vote. He said the complaints came from Kashmere Gardens, Moody Park, Sunnyside and other predominantly minority neighborhoods of the county.

"There are far more poll watchers in this election than we've ever had before. The Republican Party has 300 poll watchers on their ready list," O'Rourke said. He can't say for certain that they are connected to the Tea Party. "None of the people who walk in the door have Tea Party buttons on," he said.

Former Voting Section Chief John Tanner, who resigned from the Justice Department in 2008 after he commented that voter identification laws were an imposition on white people because "minorities die first," is representing the county attorney's office.

"There are a lot of allegations out there on both sides. I think the county's perspective is that they are trying to do everything possible to protect the rights of all voters," Tanner told TPMMuckraker. "[The
county has] faced a lot of difficulties," Tanner noted, including the fact that the warehouse storing voting machines burnt to the ground.

O'Rourke said Tanner made a request on Tuesday to have federal election monitors sent to the county. County Attorney Vince Ryan met on Tuesday with the Democratic and Republican chairmen in the county after he received complaints of possible voter intimidation on the first day of early voting as well, the same day the Houston Chronicle printed a story detailing the allegations

O'Rourke said the chairs agreed to share their lists of poll watchers with one another, and Ryan sent out a notice to all of the election judges and alternates on Tuesday, reiterating the role of the poll

Meanwhile, the Texas Democratic Party is accusing the Tea Party group of working alongside the GOP on their anti-voter fraud effort. The Texas Democratic Party expanded a lawsuit alleging collusion between the GOP and the Green Party to include the King Street Patriot Tea Party
group, the Austin Chronicle reports. The GOP's website features a page promoting poll watching initiatives.

Voting rights experts have said they are concerned that independent groups like this Tea Party group would not be sure of the rules.

Wendy Weiser, Deputy Director of the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center, told TPM Muckraker last week, "It's much harder to disseminate information because there's not a central repository of information that everybody's listening to. It seems less likely they'll have some good
information on what's allowed and what's not allowed."

"A lot of folks are probably newcomers to the political process and so there's some of that newness as well," she added. "We are worried by these disaggregated private policing efforts that... are going to be much more difficult to monitor and to control against illegal activity, again, knowing or inadvertent. I think that really changes the landscape a lot."

As TPMMuckraker has reported, Tea Party groups have picked up the mantle of voter fraud allegations, which voting experts say are not as much of a problem as groups made it out to be.

Here's a report from KTRK-TV's Miya Shay regarding the voter intimidation allegations. She speaks with a poll watcher who admits he didn't know who he was watching the polls for and that he was recruited by True the Vote.

Watch video here

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  • WELCOME TO THE rats WORLD. Can not be intimidated unless you want to be intimidated. Stand tall punch your voter card .Shove the rats and rhinos overboard.
  • I will say one damned thing, if we can prove "irregularities" we can demand the election to be declared null and void, then see arrest warrants are sworn out for the arrest of a laundry list of leftists in every state in the country. That means Registrars, state attorney generals , county election officials as well as certain groups that are known to attempt to intimidate voters. We must stand firm and have poll watchers and make sure they know what to watch for.

    If we can have a fairly "clean" election we will sweep the trash from Washington D.C. and state capitols. It is up to we the people to insure it is done by the numbers.
  • I went to an early voting location here in Houston, and waited in line for 45 minutes before someone came out and told us that the E-slates weren't working. They didn't offer paper ballots. Instead they were directing voters to other locations as far as twenty miles away. Is this a subtle form of voter intimidation? It doesn't bother me, I'll just go back when they have the machines working, but it sure discouraged a lot of people who said that they'd just go home, because it wasn't worth the trouble. Or maybe the ones who left and were telling this to voters are in on some kind of stealth mission. All I know is that if being put out a little in order to vote would make someone NOT vote, they shouldn't be voting in the firt place.
    Stay Safe: James
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