What part of 'DO THE JOB YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO' do these jerk-offs not understand????? One after another, so-called Conservatives, Patriots, those elected to do the bidding of the people based on their word of honor, their OATH, when confronted with the irrefutable evidence of multiple FELONY crimes committed by this 'person' claiming to be the legitimately elected president, and the demands of more than HALF of Americans calling for these elected 'leaders' to do what MUST BE DONE, their response is.........'he's our president, nothing we can do about that'.....'our JOB is to get re-elected in November'.......

WHAT??????? Their JOB is to get re-elected in November. THEIR JOB IS TO GET RE-ELECTED IN NOVEMBER??????? Is that all we expected them to do when sent to DC?????? Excuse me while I go outside to VOMIT! WHAT AN ARROGANT, INEXCUSABLE RESPONSE IS THAT?!?!?

Well, I'm sorry but that's not what I expected of them. Their job, what WE sent them there for, was to PUT THE BRAKES ON THIS GOVERNMENT THAT IS OUT OF CONTROL!!!!

If they don't get that, if they're just too concerned with THEIR butts and THEIR job security, THEY NEED TO BE DRAGGED OUT OF THERE, and replaced with someone who accepts and honors that responsibility. And while we're at it, they need to be charged with MISPRISION OF FELONY as they have been duly informed of these crimes and many involved in them, and have failed to respond or do anything about it.

I don't know about any of the rest of you, but I am SO DONE with ALL so-called politicians, regardless of which 'party' they claim. And that's the KEY WORD my friends, PARTY! Let's all get together and have a grand old PARTY, and the dummy taxpayers will pay us for it!!!!!

Check this out from WND.....http://www.wnd.com/2012/04/house-gop-dont-bother-me-with-eligibility/

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  • Right after the elections in 2012 we need to organize a new party, WE THE PEOPLE PARTY, get registered and get busy.

    • we did !!!!! its called the TEA PARTY

      • Which was co-opted by the republican party long ago!

        • Scotty,

          You do see the problem we have?

          We cannot agree among ourselves as to what to do.

          Don't ask me for the answer, I wanted to start killing the opposition long ago!

          The good people, that would be us, are willing to talk the bad guys to death. Guess what,... it ain't working.

      • The "Tea Party" has been co-opted.

        It is more fractured and politically vague than both of the two major parties.

        It no longer has the focus nor the fervor that launched it.

        A true political party formulated on the original Tea Party concept and principles, and the Constitution is under development.

        Stay tuned.

        Darwin Rockantansky

        Las Vegas, Nevada

    • Debrajoe,

      The "Tea Party" has been co-opted.

      It is more fractured and politically vague than both of the two major parties.

      It no longer has the focus nor the fervor that launched it.

      A true political party formulated on the original Tea Party concept and principles, and the Constitution is under development.

      Stay tuned.

      Darwin Rockantansky

      Las Vegas, Nevada

      • We have been working on a new party up here in Mesquite. We The People Party.

  • This is such an excellent posting!

    I hope it stirs people up and they jam the house phone lines!

  • I have always been against a third party.  I believe its time has come.  We need a third party.

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