Don’t shoot at the Yellow Legs

Don’t shoot at the Yellow Legs

VP Joe Biden made what appeared to be a really strange and nasty comment to Charles Wood, Father of Tyron Woods. One of the Navy Seals killed in the Benghazi consulate attack on Sept 11th, 2012.



Don’t shoot at the Yellow Legs was a standing order given to the Japanese military back in WW-II. Back in those days the US Marines wore leggings on the lower half of their legs, (over the tops of their boots too) to help protect them from rough jungle under growth, snakes, and other nasty things. They were made of tough leather. The leggings were a bright yellow in color.
The Japanese quickly learned that if they started a fight with “the yellow legs” that those “crazy bastards” US Marines didn’t run AWAY from them, instead the Yellow Legs ran toward them, and they learned that they would chase them down and kill as many as they could find.

During the Benghazi attack the Obama administration had no idea there were two US Navy seals in the CIA compound only a mile away from the Consulate that was under attack. Obama and Joe Biden had no idea that those “Crazy-Bastards” would never run away from danger, instead they run toward it.

“Did your Son always have balls the size of cueballs” ?

Joe Bidens’s inadvertent (cock-eyed and nasty) compliment actually reveals that the Obama/Biden administration knew ahead of time that the attack was pre-planned. The whole damned thing was a set up. What they didn’t know nor did they expect, was that there were two Navy Seals in the area. And they didn’t plan on those two Navy Seals running TOWARD the fight. VP Joe Biden inadvertently let the “cat” out of the bag with that gaff.

He revealed the fact that they weren't expecting that at all. Their planning wasn't quite thorough enough. They though they had covered all their bases, they never anticipated the two Navy Seals being there. That is also why they were ordered to "stand-down" when they (Seals) communicated and called for support.

The answer is YES Joe, that’s why they are Navy Seals and US Marines.

They will never run away from danger or from a fight, and neither will the rest of us.



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  • Isn't it high time to put the old jerk out to pasture? Is senility catching up with him? 

    • You are being very kind, I had some stronger words which might involve prolonged, intense pain, and involved his comment about the size of a true heros fortitude, obviously Idiot Joe needs a real lesson in that area.

  • WE THE PEOPLE need to send ALL the current sitting elected officials back to the state they came from.  This entire administration, from republican to democrat, is a total disgrace to our country...

  • Joe Biden's comment was rude, ignorant and totally out of line.


       The electorate is fully to blame for all of the Joe Biden's in government !! Here in Massachusetts , the Kennedys,

       Barney Frank , Ed Markey and numerous other morons have been in office forever !!!  People must wake up and

       oust these bastards . Or better yet , dont let them in at all !!!

  • Amen

  • When one enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath:

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    Seems like pretty good motivation to obey any order you're given, right? Nope. These articles require the obedience of LAWFUL orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders -- if the order was illegal.

    If any law infringes on MY Constitution, it is NOT Lawful.

    Whether Obama is reelected or not, Treason charges should be considered against him, as he has done harm to America, and he has infringed of The Constitution of the United States of America, which I have sworn to defend. Any former President gets a life time pension, and 24/7 security detail for all the members of his family. Obama has done to much damage to America already, and we do not need to reward him with a life time pension and security.

  • he keeps showing himself to be the low-rent white trash that he is.  i would have spat on him.

  • JAIL is far better place for all of these conspiratorial, cowardly, crooked bastards. They must not be allowed to get away with this

    • what about a public hanging for treason and murder/massacre?!

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