Donation to the POP-volunteers

This is the page for members to donate and make contributions directly to Archie Seals and his groups of POP Border volunteers. (Patriots On Patrol)

A new TAB will be created for easy access at the top of all PFA pages.

I have place a separate PayPal donation page on the OAS/PFA networks so that people can access it from the other OAS system pages and make contributions from both forum web sites and also perhaps from the Facebook pages.

Please keep in mind that all donations will go directly to Archie Seals and he has sole responsibility for those contributions. OAS and PFA will receive nothing from these funds. No Contributions made through this account will be used to support OAS or PFA web systems or members.

OAS/PFA accepts no responsibility for the distribution of or the accounting related with this.


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Email me when people reply –


  • Thanks Rooster and all of my brothers and sisters here. I will take full responsibility for all funds collected and assure you every cent will be used for Op: P.O.P. on our border. Thanks again to all that support our op, as we could not continue and grow without the peoples support. God bless. POP is on point.
  • Ok, Folks, it looks like the PayPal donations page is set up and working.

    Click on the link and help the people who are down around the border trying to defend this country.

    PayPal will accept all kinds of contributions, Credit cards or directly from another PayPal account.

    And remember, every nickel is going to help support the people working down there. NOTHING goes to PFA or OAS.

This reply was deleted.


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