Anonymous is forecasting the collapse of the Dollar on December 31st, 2016.

Now before everyone goes into a panic attack and starts screaming at me for spreading panic rumors, let me add that this whole thing could be just another rumour being spread by the white house.
We already know they like to produce a solution first and then create the problem so they can implement that solution. A big run on the banks would do it. This could be one of those times.

,,,,,BUT,,,,,,,,,,,, It could also be a real warning.

So in that case it's not going to hurt anything to be prepared.

1st) If you've got any money in a bank account, savings account,,401k, IRA,,or a savings CD, MOVE IT. If at all possible get that money out of any banking related or stock market accounts.

Buy Gold and Silver if you can.

2nd) If they do crash the dollar, your money will be useless. Your credit cards and checks will all be useless. Cash (US Currency) may also become totally useless.
------- Stock up on supplies,,,,,,,,,,,Stock up on as much non-perishables as you can. For those of you who know how to cook, Sugar, Flower, beans, Rice, dried milk, dry foods, Peanut Butter, and can goods. Even pop-corn which is surprisingly nutritious. You can actually live off the stuff for months. Don't buy the micro-wave kind, get the type that requires a flame to pop it. Think BBQ grill and open camp fire. You'll be surprised. And while you're at it get lots of BBQ charcoal.

AND if you are dependant on any form of medication, buy a three to six months supply NOW.

None of these suggestions are going to hurt if this warning is just another scare tactic, so if it turns out to be false, no harm done. And you end up with plenty of provisions in the food locker and pantry.

But if it turns out to be real and true, then these small steps could help you survive and extra six months.

OH ----- Did I mention AMMO.

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  • good advise 

  • Ok Rooster.. ANY disruption in medical services and my wife's a dead woman. She gets her liquid food delivered weekly. And she can't stick up on her medications. I know this day is coming. I just have been praying it wouldn't come so soon. There are thousands of people on TPN like my wife who will die should any disruption in services occur.
    Frustrating because there's nothing we can do to prepare. It's not if it's when... All we can do is pray and wait and see..
  • I've been watching a lot of videos on the collapse of the dollar. They all basically say the same thing. That the federal reserve is owned by some of the worlds largest banks that are owned by the worlds richest individuals like the Rothchilds. The Fed Resv. Prints money out of nothing and lends it at interest and when the interest gets to a point when the interest payment is unplayable they will stop lending this imaginary money......... NOW STAY WITH ME..... If the money that is lent is printed out of thin air why does it have to be payed back with "real" money? This is a giant Ponsey scheme from the git go..
    How did this nation ever start accepting something printed out of nothing? Kennedy was moving to do away with the Fed Resv. America could print their own money for that matter. I can't get my head around taking something that is printed out of nothing (it ONLY has value if everyone agrees that it does, why is that?) and repaying it with something of value..... The more I look at this the more confused and dumbfounded I become.
    • Simplify it Michael, The money, fiat currency, printed out of thin air and then paid back with something that does have value,,,,, Our Tax dollars......... But how does any of that work if there is nothing BACKING that fiat currency?  What actually 'Backs" that fiat currency is faith and good-will of the American people.
      There may not be any Gold left in FT. Knox, but there is still plenty of Uranium, and Gold and lots of other minerals spread across this land. And the biggest asset of all, - - - - The American people.
      That's right, You and I and our children and grand children. WE are the biggest asset that America has. American ingenuity and hard labour. When we say "Our Children and Grand Children will have to pay that back", those people take that literally. The Pay-Back in hard assets has already begun, except that once again Hillary jumped the gun, she and Garry Reid and several others in Washington have begun selling the minerals and our hard assets to foreign interests, Private corporations, Not all of which are owned by Russia like Uranium-ONE. Hillary and Harry Reid also sold several thousand acres in Arizona to Saudi Arabia. Senator John McCain signed the deal for Arizona when he signed over Indian reservation land last summer to the Saudis. (Yes - The Indians got screwed again).
      Bottom line is asset management, and foreign resource management cartels. WE - and our Children are America's largest asset and resources. If you look at the whole thing as just another resource management scheme then it all starts to make sense.

      I told you, you and I are dinosaurs, tool old to produce, too old to work in those mines. Too belligerent to easily manage. You think they care if you wife's meds run out? Guess again.

    • Whenever, we the people, realize the green (fiat) money we use each day is backed by nothing but paper, they will begin cashing it in for silver, gold, other metal.........when that happens, there is not enough green money in the world to satisfy the amount of green money that "we the people" hold, either in cash, stocks, savings when we start drawing out green from banks, stocks, etc., the dollar crashes.  Why do you think banks must report withdrawals over 10K to the Feds???  So the feds can try and keep ahead of the crash, when it happens.

      The United States is near 20 Trillion Dollars in debt......there is only 1.2 Trillion dollars in green backs in the entire world currently in circulation.

      The monetary system is a ruse, a fraud, a ponsey scheme...........we best have some metal, cash, land, food, etc adequate to survive if the worst happens.

      I not schooled in economics but I do have some common-sense.

  • Old Rooster and Col Riley. I fully understand what both of you are saying but I think you missed the crux of my confusion.... I realize that what we borrow from the federal reserve is backed by the full faith of the U.S. Governmentband that our material Resourses and our taxes are our collateral. My POINT is that the originator of this loan is the Federal Reserve who is printing money out of thin air. Cok. Riley is correct that there is only 1.2 Trillion dollars in world circulation and no who knows how much precious metals are really backing it up. But my question and confusion is.........
    It's the federal reserve who has started this whole bogus process to begin with. Let me put it simply....
    Why should I borrow your Monopoly money and repay it with real money?
    I believe this is the real reason that JFK wanted to do away with the Federal Reserve and when he started the process a few weeks later he was assassinated. It seems to me that the whole of our government had to be in on borrowing "fake" money. The only thing that makes sense to me is that the whole of our government was in on this ponsey scheme. But why borrow something that in truth is worthless? As I've said many times here before the money Barons of the world control the worlds money supply and all the leaders of the world save 4 nations and thus control the nations of the world. And Old Rooster.... I'm well aware that they could care less about my wife and hundreds of thousands of others who are dependant on daily medical supplies and treatment. It is ONLY the Spirit of God that keeps me from going postal. The best indicator I believe I have that our currency I'd going to fail is that many nations of the world are buying precious metals by the metric ton....
    Like all ponse schemes this house of cards will fall... It's just a matter of when... Again my point is why did we choose to borrow something worthless in the first place ???
    • The Federal Reserve is a private enterprise owned by International wealth.  The US government in 1933 I believe agreed to relinquish constitutional responsibility of the Treasury Department in managing our monetary banking system to the newly created Federal Reserve.....which as I said above, is not "federal" but a private institution.  The Federal Reserve prints green backs, loans back to us, charges us interest, and gets the international owners of the Federal Reserve richer and richer and richer..........the bottom line, IT'S A SCAM.

      Kennedy was going to dissolve the Federal Reserve and bring fiscal responsibility back to the US Treasury...we know the impact of that.

    • Col Riley. Again in my research, you are correct. Why did we relinquish our responsibility to manage our monetary system to a foreign entity? And again why would we choose to borrow Monopoly money printed out of thin air? First of all for a Ponzi scheme to work those investing have to believe they are going to get a "real" return on their investment. We know this money being lent by the Fed Resv comes out of thin air. They will not disclose who the players really are and will not allow an audit. If you were an investor knowing what we know would you ever invest in such a farce?
      What did and do the owners, the movers and shakers have on America to force them into this marriage, because no one with half a brain would do this volintarily??? And has the gold in Ft Knox been used to pay back a debt for borrowing money with no real substance? The whole thing does not make sense other than my idea that America has never been truly free but has been under the control of the money barons in foriegn nations.
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