If you think the Republicans could win the elections in Nov. 2022 and also in 2024 - guess again.
First of all the Democrats have these elections all sewed up, it's already done.
They will take the 2022 and 2024 elections the same way they did in 2020.
And secondly if you think the Democrats are discusted with what has bee going on just like most Republicans are, guess again.
This current world mess, the chaos, wars, strife, and unrest is exactly what they want.
And that includes the rate of inflation and fuel prices. The destruction of America's middle-class.
That's what they want.
There's only one thing missing for the Democrats right now.
And that means they are not finished yet.
Most Americans still have their guns and weapons. The Democrats hate that.
They will raise some kind of civil upheaval, and assault against somebody, some government agency or some government buildings - officials.
They will pull something some place in hopes that the people will finally allow more gun control laws.
So if you're just sitting back waiting for the 2022 elections, forget it.
The time to get involved is NOW.