Elections November 2024 will be the most critical elections of our life times.
If Joe Biden and the radical left-wing Communist democrats are allolwed to steal this election like they did in 2020 then the United States of America will be lost and gone forever.
I am not saying that as some sort of scare tactic, I mean that literally.
But there is something just as critical happening in September 2024. It's coming from the United Nations.
The UN Agenda to seize world power. They are behind much of the persecution and prosecution of Donald Trump.
Along with the attacks against Trump from the communists and left-wing radicals, Trump is right about one thing. They are not only coming after him - they are coming after us - all of us.
It doesn't matter any more whether you are a democrat, Republican, or an independant. This is not simply about politics anymore.
This is about the sovereignty and the existance of the Nation.
They intend to completely destroy us all. Everything.
I don't care if you love Donal J. Trump or if you hate him. that doesn't matter anymore.
The UN is scheduled to vote on their agenda in September 2024, in New York City.
They MUST be stopped. By any means necessary.
And that same thing applies to the democrats being re-elected in November.
Trump is also right when he says if the Biden administration is re-elected it will be the end of America.
And it may happen even sooner.