Elections November 2020; Last chance at preserving freedom and Liberty.

"America was founded by men who understood that the threat of domestic tyranny is as great as any threat from abroad. If we want to be worthy of their legacy, we must resist the rush toward ever-increasing state control of our society. Otherwise, our own government will become a greater threat to our freedoms than any foreign terrorist." - Ron Paul, Texas Straight Talk, May 31, 2004

“Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what kind of government have you given us?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic Madam , if you can keep it.”


The Constitution of The United States of America; What is it?

Many people believe the Constitution is a set of documents that guarantee certain freedoms and rights, and liberties for the people. While this is in many ways true, it is NOT the full purpose or intention of the Constitution.

Those freedoms and liberties spelled out within the first ten Amendments (called the Bill-Of-Rights) are NOT the only rights and freedoms Americans have under the Constitution. Those first ten Amendments simply spell out in no-uncertain terms the rights of the people which the Federal Government can NOT deny or legislate against.

But the Constitution of The United States of America is much more than a set of documents that guarantee certain inalienable rights of the people, it is a set of documents which restricts, limits, and regulates the rights and the power of the Government. It does NOT restrict, deny, or limit the rights of the people.

The Constitution does not grant any rights to the people, those rights are granted by the Creator, thus they are inalienable, and can NOT be restricted by the Government.


No place within the documents of the Constitution of The United States do the words Democracy or Democratic appear. The framers of the Constitution deliberately avoided creating such a form of government because they knew and understood the tendency and potential of some people or groups of people to try to seize power and control over the government and thus force their will against the people. This can now be referred to as the tyranny of the minority. Whether it is referred to as the tyranny of the Minority or the tyranny of the Majority it is still tyranny either way. The framers knew this and it is specifically why the chose a Republic rather than a Democracy or any other type of Government.

Under a “Democracy” the mob rules, those who manage to gain control can make the rules over all others. Under a “Democracy” those who gain control over the government can regulate, deny, limit, and control the rights of the people.

But under a Republic the rights, freedoms, and liberties of the People are maintained no matter what rules and regulations the elected majority attempt to enforce. The Constitution of The United States of America controls, limits, and regulates the power (and thus the Tyranny) of the Government, not the rights and freedoms and liberties of the people.

The Elections November 2020 may very well be our Last chance at preserving freedom and Liberty.
At the very least it will be our last chance at preserving our Constitution.
The Democrat party, now under the control of the Far-Left radicals and by the Communists want to destroy and eliminate the Constitution, and all the restrictions and limits it enforces upon the Government.

To put it simply, they want full and total over the Government, without the restrictions and limitations imposed by the Constitution. They want a Government with unlimited power and authority.

This would give them absolute control over the rights, freedoms, and liberties of the people. This is Tyranny in it’s worse possible form.

This is what hangs in the balance in the Presidential and States elections this November 2020 elections.

Choose very carefully America, your lives and the lives of your children and all others depend on it.

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  • This is why our Republic form of Government is referred to as a Government OF the People, BY the People, and FOR the People.

    It is NOT a Government of the Government, BY the Government, or FOR the Government.

    We-The-People must NEVER grant them that power or Authority.

    Preserve, Protect, and Defend the Constitution of The United States of America,,, Against ALL Enemies foreign OR Domestic.

    May GOD Bless and Protect America.

  • Until we eliminate every Democrat, Communist, Socialist, etc. in this nation... by any and all means necessary...

  • This reply was posted on the MMM site;

    And remember - Freedom isn't free !

    And neither is Donald's re-election campaign !!!

    For a $20.00 donation to the cause, you can get two large Trump/Pence signs with ground stakes.

    We all know money is tight, but even a one dollar donation from everybody here would really help; ( not to mention, showing that we, as a Militia, are here when needed) !!!

    And MY reply there;

    Thanks Roger,
    He's right folks, Money talks and BS walks.
    Time to put your money where your mouths are.
    Some of the people out there may not like Donald Trump that much but he's a hell of a lot better than the alternatives that we are facing in this election.
    The Communists have been trying to destroy America since 1913. When they managed to elect Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 they thought they finally had the right person that could finally manage to destroy us and our Constitution.
    When Hillary Clinton was selected to succeed Obama in 2016 they though she would be able to complete his "Fundamental Transformation of America" into a full blown Communist State.
    We all know now that that didn't work out so well for them, Hillary lost and Donald J. Trump was elected as the 45th President of the USA.
    The Democrats and the Communists are still pissed out of their collective minds and they have no intention of allowing a Trump RE-Election.
    This election in November 2020 is for all the chips, the full house of cards are now on the table, and they have absolutely no intention of loosing again. They intend to win, and remove Trump from office, - By any means necessary.

    No more Games people. Time to step up and be counted.

  • I'm not happy with some of Trumps actions but I intend to cast my vote for him on 11/3/2020.

  • Why do Dumocrats want mail-in voting?
    This not about disenfranchising folks: It is to make it easier to bias  the vote. Examples:A West Virginia postal worker changed eight votes,193 votes were altered in Minnesota, 1200 absentee votes were stolen causing an election to be won by 900 votes,a democratic clerk was caught filling out over 500 votes for democratic persons before mailing them to illiterate Hispanics. The immoral crazies will stop at nothing to GAIN POWER and be in charge of the treasury.Take these scattered all over the United States, They could win.
  • 8143138269?profile=original

This reply was deleted.


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