Can Donald Trump still win the Electoral College votes?
Right now USA-Today has Joe Biden winning 306 EC votes, and President Trump winning only 232.
That's a 38 vote swing that Trump and the Republicans need to manage somehow.
Pennsulvania has 20,
Georga has 16,
Wisconson has 10,
Arizona has 11,
So Trump needs to swing Pennsulvania, Georgia, and at least one other state to win.
Georgia, Wisconson, and Arizona add up to only 37 votes, not enough.
But, 269 each would be enough to make it a No-Winner situation. Neither candidate would have a clear 270 win. Which would force the election into Congress. And THAT could be enough to make the difference.
Right now 30 States are controlled by Republicans and 20 controlled by Democrats.
If the election goes to Congress each State will get one vote, and that would give the election to President Trump. But only if those 30 Republican States hold to their constituants and vote their party line.
If 5 of those Republican States jump the line and vote with the Democrats then Giden could still win.
But that would mean a war,
An election integrity group filed a bombshell case in Georgia, bolstering the Trump legal team’s case against the election. One America’s Chanel Rion has more from Atlanta.
Treason and Sedition, This must be cleared up NOW.
Retired General MaCinerney calls for Martial Law and military tribunals.
1st) They set up a looser like Joe Biden to run for President. They know there is no way in hell the American people will ever elect Joe Biden. How do they know? Because they release all of the Ukraine and China scandals information about Joe Biden and son Hunter Biden. They even let Joe Biden run his mouth off about having the most complete voter fraud system ever devised.
2nd) Then they run their election scam. They make sure Biden gets as many votes as they need to get him elected.
3rd) They know the American people will see right through this election fraud, and that there is no way we will tolerate it. They also know that Donald Trump will not tolerate it either.
4th) If the American people stand up and demand an election recount or a complete new-election, they can blame that on Trump. If President Trump calls for the insurrection act to be enforced and declares Martial Law then the Democrat fools will revolt.
If none of that happens then Joe Biden will become the 46th President,, under false pretenses, and under an election fraud beyond anything anyone has ever seen. And the American people will never stand for our country to become a Socialist/ Communist State.
5th) If President Trump does declare Martial Law and does open the insurrection act, then the left-wing radicals like Antifa and Black lives Matter thugs will start their riots and attacks everywhere.
Civil war and they get to blame everything on Trump, no matter what.
This is why Trump has to play out the legal processes and the supreme Court system. He has to allow the system to go as far as it will go before invoking that Insurrection act and Martial Law.