enemy within

I have no doubt some will think me extreme . I am not a bigot or racist I am a patriot a parent and a protector of our nations . It is incumbent on us to insure the security of our nation from all enemies foreign and domestic . As a youth I have seen riots in our Cities . Of this I am certain we will see more .


. the Trojan horses have entered the gates ,they keep rolling in.

we as Americans have shouldered far too much of the worlds burdens our back has been broken . Our immigration laws must by enforced , all must become citizens by legal means or not at all. we have seen violent protests that will grow and spread to many cities .If this is what we can expect from illegal's now, we can expect it to get much worse in the future..we had better get a grasp on it now .the numbers that would cause civil discord and riots are overwhelming and out of control .We had better stand our ground and prevent further invasion and infiltration expansion. We better do it now . enough is enough . you would probably agree America needs a break from the caring for the worlds tired huddled poor masses. we as a people (citizens) must demand our government of the people by the people act for the people .

The protest in Arizona was not surprisingly QUIETED BY MOST MEDIA OUTLETS . Throwing water bottles was a limited description of the violent behavior. Here is an idea "just to start the think tank ball rolling " *example * officials in that city collect these water bottles , get fingerprints off them all ,data base the Identifications and begin prosecution and accelerate deportation . I would like to see total surveillance and video documentation of these protest. Let the nation see what is in our future .what's the number of illegal's now 15 million +

Now ask yourself is America still safe and sound . I say not so safe . As a soldier ,I do not alarm so easy.yet I am alarmed .

how long will it be until the photo attached is a familiar site on the streets of this nation .

The day is coming.


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  • I believe that our nations fighting men and women are fair minded and able to discern when the commander in disguise is able to rightly distinguish the use of force against intruders in this land. If the military would pledge to back up the Constitution as did one Army doctor, we would be able to route those socialist thugs from Washington and the surrounding states.

    I would support a military action against the invaders (Congress and current president) and let them take back the country to a Constitutional stand.

    (I know, I am only dreaming)
  • General Steven Blum ,the northern command is the answer ,however the pentagon gets its marching orders also. that may well protection the entry of this enemy .thank you patiot games for joining this discussion
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