Your replacements have arrived.
In case anyone is mistaken that is what all this open-border immigration policy is all about.
Every leach needs a live host.
They wont kill the country itself, they couldn't do that if they wanted too. But they can - and WILL kill off enought Americans that the remaining population will get the message.
You either comply or else.
The immigration policy is designed to bring in enough people to insure they get the votes they need to remain in power for ever.
Plus it's designed to bring in enough foreigners to replace the US labor force and anyone who fails or refuses to comply.
Every leach needs a live host. And THAT is what is being set up in Washington right now.
DEL RIO, Texas — A source within U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) explains the Del Rio Sector is holding the lead in migrant apprehensions throughout the southwest. In January thus far, there are nearly 16,000 apprehensions, averaging almost 1,000 daily.
The Democraps have a clear agenda in importing Illegals. Illegals vote in US elections and vote pure Democrat. Not because Democrats support bringing more in however. Illegals come from Socialist nations with highly collectivist cultures for the most part. They are taught to hate the US from birth. The economic opportunities here combined with waging war against the US provide the core motivation for most to come here. They do not come here to be Americans, thus are not immigrants in any sense of the word. Just invaders. You can find exceptions of course. People we'd be proud to have as American citizens, but they are relatively rare unfortunately. Most come here with hatred for this country in their heart and a dream of the American lifestyle and wealth as a lure.
They vote Democrat because they are born doing politics, live it every day and are right at home working the system. The DNC provides for them the perfect system to hijack. Some in the GOP and Libertarian party have delusional ideas that they can attract the votes of Illegals and their spawn by merely being soft on immigration and being pro-Illegal. The fundemental problem with this is that Illegals could care less about whether a party likes them or not. It's what can they do with that party to further their generally socialist and racist agenda. In particular those from Cental & South America. Don't mistake this for Hispanics, as Hispanics are the core of most Southwestern Conservatives. Many of the most patriotic Americans I've met were Hispanic. Skin color has nothing to do with what lives in a person's heart. There are millions of people in Central/South America who'd love to come here and be US citizens and adopt American values and core culture. Who we'd be proud to call brother and sister. That's not who is flooding across the border unfortunately. It's not who is being accepted generally in the immigration lotteries. Instead the lotteries are rigged to bring Leftists here. Gays for example are reliable Democrat voters. So whenever possible they bring gays over from these nations in place of people who actually want to be American citizens. They also fill spots with relatives of Illegals who've gained amnesty. Muslims are another key group they bring over and more and more are showing up as Illegals at our borders or becoming illegals by getting legal visas and just never leaving.
The brain drain (failure of American citizens to get the opportunities and experience in tech, engineering, and skilled labor) through Illegals, guest worker visas is crippling the nation. If we go to war, how many of these people are actually going to stay? Yet they are relied upon heavily for our infrastructure. For example when I did a contract for Chase bank once, the Russian who hired me openly admitted the only reason I was hired was because he couldn't find a Russian with the necessary skill set. Then we wonder why Russia and China find it so easy to hack our systems. It's because THEY BUILT THEM. Defense contractors skate around citizenship reqsuirements by sub-contracting. So while the contractor has all US citizens or legal to work in US employees, the real work is being done by people who come here for a few years then go back home to Russia, China, Pakistan and other enemy states, carrying with them intimate knowledge of our infrastructure, defense systems, and economic systems. Worse no American knows large parts of these systems as 30 years of heavy use of guest workers means few Americans actually worked on them. Just guest workers with only a small fraction staying to become US citizens. Few of them any real alliegence to this nation. They are here for the work. If we got into a major war they'd take their happy butts back home and carry with them core knowlege of our systems, leaving America bankrupt in experience and knowledge in those areas.