Evidence for Confiscation: 5 examples that show the threat is real (VIDEO)

Gun control activists do not want to confiscate our guns. Really. Just trust them about it. They don’t. Instead, they just want to pass simple, common sense and reasonable gun laws that have nothing to do with confiscating lawfully owned property. Trust them. They really, really don’t want to take our guns. Really.

As President Barack Obama said on the campaign trail in 2008, “I believe in the Second Amendment. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away … But I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to find an excuse not to vote for me, don’t use that one because it just ain’t true. It ain’t true.”

See, it just ain’t true, like the President said. No lawmaker or politician will propose legislation that will confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens. Really. In fact, every gun control supporter is a huge fan of the right to keep and bear arms. Really.

Read the rest: http://www.guns.com/2013/05/14/evidence-for-confiscation-5-examples-that-show-the-threat-is-real-video/

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    • I thought so as well, but I guess you're the only one who read it.  ;)

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