
  • I warned everyone this A$$HOLE would do this!
  • Dont tell me this is a surprise.If you do,i may ask you where youre head has been.Weve only fought the first battle.We did good with 61 seats.Its far from being over.FIGHT AND THEN FIGHT SOMORE.DONT LET UP.
  • Yes they do need to put the Constitution in the tele prompter haha
  • This organization is a tool of George Soros to fund money and marxist philosophy throughout the country to support like-minded orgs as part of the marxist manipulation machine for Soros. Soros is the REAL leader right now, Obumbler is the puppet on a string, Soros even went as far as saying that Obumbler will stand up and lead or he will look for someone else to replace him. I think America is on the brink of another Great Depression and potential economic collapse thanks to this man and his puppets, Obumbler, Reid and Pelosi. He has publicly stated he wanted U.S. dollars devalued and now the Fed Reserve and the Treasury Dept. are printing $600 billion to buy U.S. debt which will surely lead to devaluation and inflation, expect a sharp increase in prices of all goods and services if this happens. We just had a historic change in Congressional and state seats on Nov. 2, come 2012 America needs more democRATS to be voted out with their marxist manipulator Obumbler in order to stop Soros.
  • Do your own research on this. Under Wilson, Congress passed the War Powers Act. It gave him unlimited power during WWI. He rescinded all but one part of it. When FDR took office, he revised that one part, "Trading with the enemy" making every American the enemy. This is what he used to take over banks and other industry and to do all the harm he did. This act has remained to this day. In 1973 Sen. Frank Church put a committee together to see if this act should be eliminated. The committee concluded that the President needed this act because we are living in a constant emergency situation. All the Presidents since Wilson have had unlimited power to do anything they wish. Not one has gone to Congress and said please take this power away, ti is too dangerous to our Republic. So no matter how much we hate what this President is doing, they have all had this power.
    Read it yourselves. It will scare the bejeebers out of you and re-enforce that we no longer live under a constitution. Haven't for some time.
    • What's never discussed about EO's is that there is no constitutional basis for them, it cannot be considered 'positive law' because they do not go through normal legislative process so it must be only a POLICY which is 'color of law' and patently un-constitutional. The real crime is that all these alleged conservatives in Congress know EO's are a farce but do nothing......many believe EO's were orignally meant for use within the executive branch only and most importantly why in the world would the founding fathers ever agree to a structure that gave a President dictatorial powers after we won the war against a country ruled by a royal family.
      • The only authority he has is to call up troops in the event of need {ie attack}, and to make appointments during Congressional recess as NECESSARY, but that doesn't include holding off for a recess so as to appoint someone he knows Congress won't approve, nothing else according to the Constitution, without the agreement and support of Congress; so we don't have to follow those either, as they're not real laws.
  • Just keep exposing the agenda and the corruption, these people will hang them selves.
  • We do all know that the author of this report is Soros' boy, heading up one of his organizations, right? Because this is about as conservative as Obama himself is, and we all know where HE stands! That's a threat/promise he's going to IGNORE Congress the same as he's been ignoring us right along, nothing more or less than that!
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