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Exclusive: Proof of Huma’s Ties to Muslim Brotherhood

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  • The real truth about Obama and why he is killing the USA..
  • I can't thank you enough Twana for this post--and all the others. I may not express myself clearly -often enough.

    But I thank you. Glenn Beck  I can also appreciate . Michele Bachmann I have sent an e-mail to the Speaker who

    along with McCain  have attacked Michele Bachmann.  My library is not the best but all anyone need do is read history a history of Islam -- or read the bloody Quran and all the calls for violence /jihad  there are open ended. IF the enemy within our gates is allowed to continue  their stealth jihad  with the aid and protection of elected officials like John McCain--his kind of 

    leadership I do not need. and will not follow. ... It's bad enough we Americans must look for the enemy "out there" but now have to carefully  regard our own elected officials "already captured" ?Prayers for Michele Bachmann and for all the Patriots who honor me by their defense of our Country.

    • muslim brotherhood does not belong anywhere in or around the w.h., until america wakes up, and see obama for what he is, we will pay dearly.  whith all the lies day in and day out, burning the CONSTITUTION one line at a time, yet we just let this go on & on....when is AMERICA GOING TO WAKE UP......THIS IS YOUR COUNTRY.

  • We need to support people who are willing to put their careers and their lives on the line for us.

  • John just look at how many chemical trains have been wrecked and burned or oil and gas line blown or the oil rigs, and all of the reasons for them to blow up have been covered up by our government. Like the passenger train in calif that hit the freight train 100 yrds before the tunnel and the government told the news that the operator was on on the phone and cause the wreck when he only controls the speed of the train not the switchs or lights which were all green and the siding the train was supposed to be sitting on the switch was still open to the main line.. You count them and its over 30 in the last 3 years...

  • Done, I have emailed my state house and speaker as well. Not only should he not remove her from the committee but as I said in the email he should fully support their efforts.

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