
  • They have been smoking too much of that Wacky Tabaccy.
  • And what will be the results of these demands?

    Demand One.  - Employers hire no one - anyone who has employees gets rid of them and does the job themselves.

    Demand Two - Doctors quit taking new patients - no one builds a medical practice or hospital, the sick and dying must do it at home with the aid of  medical marijuana.

    Demand Three - No one works - just think!  Where is the girl that said she won't have to worry about paying for gasoline and  her rent. Everyone gets money from Obama's stash! .

    Demand Four - College degrees awarded to people who can't read them.

    Demand Five - Hippies starve in the dark!  In Arizona, homes inside are 110 degrees. Al Gore's mansion (which uses 12 times the energy of average homes) is still lit.

    Demand Six - Tax rates at 100% for the ten percent who are dumb enough to be working.

    Demand Seven - See Demand Five.

    Demand Eight - Equal poverty for all including transgender!

    Demand Nine - No one speaks English - Hospitals close because no one pays their bills - Everyone on Welfare - Anyone with any resources moves to another country!  The remainder live in crime infested ghettos - Beheaded Policemen

    Demand Ten - Not a bad idea!

    Demand Eleven - American Economy and currency collapses - Wait!! That is already happening!

    Demand Twelve - No loans for anyone!  What a concept! Car companies stop producing, construction stops, no homes for anyone, no credit cards, and America becomes a land like East Germany of the 1960's where there was no merchandise in stores and everyone drove a Trabi (smoking two-cycle POS). Brilliant!

    Demand Thirteen - May have possibilities if the ballot is secret and if you signed on for the union, the place went bankrupt!

    These demands are just brilliant! Brilliant!  Sarcasm off!

    • Sheepdog,

      These people really are retarded!

      I think we should send them our own demands...


      Demand # 2. SEE # 1.

      • Well Done!
  • Sounds exactly like sorry excuse for a human Soros' "Open Society Institute".


    Go read what he wants - a World without borders - and he makes no bones that the U.S. Constitution is standing in his way and he plans to do away with it.


    Like I just said in another thread - time to get out the handcuffs for sorry Soros AND company !!!


    And he is BO's godfather.

  • Twana,

    As you know from a few of the updates I sent you about these morons at this Wall Street protest, I have been following this from day one on their Livestream coverage @ . On the rolling chat feature next to the live-feed these brainiacs have been discussing openly how they want to turn this into a Global Revolution against damn near everything. However, there are two groups vying for attention and control of what happens at this protest and of course the media. There is the supposedly peaceful non-violent hippie types that have control of the live-feed, and then you also have the flat out Anarchists that want to start picking fights with the cops and raising hell.

    The struggle between the two groups has been very evident by reading the rolling chat conversations. A handful of people from around the country will talk about what they think the demands should be for this "peaceful" protest while the Anarchists will interrupt conversations and come right out and say the only answer is to make "The Bankers" pay with their blood, yada, yada, yada. 

    So from the very first day it was evident that at some point in time, if the cops let this continue past the first week, that the crowd was going to get violent. Plus, lets' be honest about this... if your intentions really were peaceful, then why the hell did you name your protest "Day of Rage"?!

    Now we find out that half of the protesters are from other countries that are chanting "down with the USA"! Wanna bet they are from countries where we saved their grandparents from Hitler?

    Nobody should be surprised that nasty elements from around the world as well as our own country would be involved in protests that declare they want to tear down the Capitalist system and replace it with some Commie/Socialist Bullsh*t. And we shouldn't be surprised that some really very bad people sneak into the midst of this if it turns really ugly. If this grows any further I'm afraid we will see car-bombings and possibly worse. This would also be a convenient time for some radical Islamic POS to try and make a name for themself by killing in the name of their peaceful religion.

    Nothing that happens from here-on-out should surprise anyone. The only dumb thing the NYC cops have done so far is to let this go past the first week. I knew if this went any longer that it would catch on, and now it has. And this is the type of crap I have been warning people about, and why I have been so adamant about wanting a hard-nosed patriot like Allen West to lead this nation. We are about to go through some very tough times, do any of you feel secure that any of our candidates running for POTUS would be able to handle what is about to happen? I don't!

    There may be some of you that think some of the fat cats on wall street deserve to be taken down, and I can see your point, but you go after the fat-cats, and the politicians that allowed or helped them. You don't tear down my country cause you have a beef with some fat cats. Go after them, not my country!

    Remember, all this started because of the housing financial crash WAS CAUSED BY THE DEMOCRATS FORCING BANKS AND FANNIE-MAE TO LOAN MILLIONS OF PEOPLE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT THEY COULD NEVER PAY BACK BECAUSE IT WASN'T FAIR THAT POOR PEOPLE DIDN'T OWN A HOME. Now we have to deal with what happens when you try to make things fair for everyone. Clear thinking people know that this stupid social experiment has never worked and it will NEVER work. I want a USA that gives everyone an equal shot at making it, not a USA that guarantees everyone makes it. If you are NOT willing to work for your food, housing, etc, then you don't deserve any of it. If you want a country that gives you everything for free... I suggest you MOVE! 


    • Do you realize when WWII ended the people who started it, the elite, were still alive and well and ready to fight another day?


      Do you realize they and/or their decendants ARE who we are fighting now?


      They just infiltrated our system and are taking us down from within.

  • Sure does !!!



  • You must know sorry Soros has been supporting revolutions all over the World.


    This one REALLY has his fingerprints.


    BTW, I have some Hungarian friends who would put him out of his misery in an instant. They told me some tried not too long ago when he was there.

  • Also, I've preached on many of these to friends. I get the "deer in the headlights" look.


    Our schools specialize in dumbing down.

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