Fallen Soldiers

The Department of Defense announced the deaths of two soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
Theydied Aug. 22 at Paktika, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when
insurgents attacked their unit with small arms and rocket propelled
grenade fire.

Killed were:
Sgt. Steven J. DeLuzio, 25, of South Glastonbury, CT.
Spc. Tristan H. Southworth, 21, of West Danville, Vt.

They were assigned to the 172nd Infantry, 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, Jericho, Vt.

When Mark DeLuzio saw two uniformed officers at his front door Sunday night,
the only question he had was which son had been killed.

Hisyounger son, Steven, was in Afghanistan with the Vermont National Guard,
and Scott was there with the Connecticut National Guard. The family had
not heard from Scott in several weeks while he was on a mission. "Is it
Scott?" Mark DeLuzio asked the officers. No, they said. It's Steven.

StevenDeLuzio did not have to go to Afghanistan earlier this year, his father
said Tuesday. His commitment to the National Guard would have ended
while he was away so he could either re-enlist or stay home.

"Hewas a sergeant and he did not want his guys to go over by themselves to
Afghanistan, so he signed up for another year," said Mark DeLuzio. "He
fought with those guys in Iraq, and they were very close."

Listeningto news reports about the increasing casualties in Afghanistan, Mark
DeLuzio and his wife, Diane, have been "on pins and needles every day."
As the military pushed into Taliban strongholds, the death toll for July
soared to 66 U.S. service members, surpassing June as the deadliest
month in the nearly nine-year war.

Last month Steven DeLuzio wrote on Facebook, "I'm only 25, but feeling closer to 40 these days."

Heplanned to return home in November with his unit and resume his career
as an accountant. He was going to marry his high school sweetheart,
Leeza Gutt, next year. He also coached Little League in Glastonbury
before leaving for Afghanistan.

DeLuzio was on a foot patrol whenhis unit was attacked, Mark DeLuzio said. The Army sent a Black Hawk
helicopter to pick up Sgt. Scott DeLuzio, 28, from the battlefield. He
is a member of the 1st Battalion, 102nd Infantry Regiment, the same unit
that Staff Sgt. Edwin Rivera, of Waterford, was serving in when he was
killed in May.

Scott traveled with Steven's body to Kuwait beforereturning home on Tuesday. The family is waiting to find out when
Steven will be returned from Dover Air Force Base before finalizing
funeral arrangements.

Gov. M. Jodi Rell called the DeLuzio familyon Tuesday to say that she told the Connecticut National Guard that
Scott DeLuzio would not return to Afghanistan, Mark DeLuzio said.

MarkDeLuzio said the family is grateful for the outpouring of support from
relatives and friends, but his "best therapy" is a smile from Scott's
9-month-old son.

Mark DeLuzio described his son as a "clown."

"Hewas funny," he said. "He was serious and he was a big sports fan. He
loved hockey and he loved baseball. I'm a big Red Sox fan, and he's a
Yankees fan. We always had fun battling each other all through the

"He was just a great kid."

Steven DeLuzio talkedabout his life in South Glastonbury in a Facebook message posted June
25. "Funny, you spend so much time in your younger years making plans of
escaping where you grew up, but the older you get, and the more time
you spend around the world, the more you appreciate and miss home," he
wrote. "Almost July, only a few more months ... "

DeLuzio was a 2003 graduate of Glastonbury High School. He was a member of the ice hockey team and freshman class president.

Onhis Facebook page the day before his death, Steven writes "20 days
until I'm outta here...a lot to look forward to once I get home, can't

"The ultimate teammate," said Ken Barse, the hockey coachat Glastonbury High School who coached DeLuzio before he graduated in
2003. Barse said he learned about DeLuzio's death Sunday, the day he was
killed. "I'll forever remember his smile and the gleam he had in his
eyes," Barse said. "He was never in trouble — he always did the right
thing. … He's the kid you'd want to have serving your country."

Underhis yearbook photo his senior year, he wrote that his life's ambition
was to "take over my Dad's business." An honors student who was freshman
class president, he later worked at a local accounting firm.

Barse said DeLuzio showed a sense of discipline playing hockey that served him well in the Army.

AlexRodriguez filled in for Barse as head coach in 2003, the year DeLuzio
was captain and the team won the state championship. He said it was a
very tough year, the year three Glastonbury teens died in a car wreck.
"I really believe that his leadership is what got us to New Haven and
won us the championship," said Rodriguez, who is back at his job as an
assistant coach.

DeLuzio wasn't "the finesse guy" or a player whowould score a lot of goals, he said. "He was a defenseman," Rodriguez
said. But "when things were going bad, he would just take leadership on
the ice."

Once, he said, the goalie left the goal to make a save,leaving it wide open, and "Steve just flew across the ice like Superman
and made a save. That was the kind of kid he was."

"Any talentthat he lacked, he made up for it with perseverance and tenacity,"
Rodriguez said. "I've got two boys, and if either one of them grew up to
be of the character Steve was, I'd feel like I've been successful as a

Mark DeLuzio, Steven and Scott's father, tells News 8that his kids are "the greatest sons in the world." He broke down when
he first saw Scott, who was brought home from Afghanistan to grieve with
his family.

Gov. Jodi Rell ordered flags around the state beflown at half-staff until his interment. "I urge everyone to keep
Sergeant DeLuzio and his family in your hearts and prayers. Please honor
the memory of this brave soldier, who gave his life for our liberty. We
will be forever grateful for his dedication to duty, to our freedom and
the American ideals we hold so dear," Rell said in a written statement.


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