FBI’s Russian-influence probe includes a look at far-right news sites
Looks like the LEFT is search around all over the place trying to find some, (Anything) to pin something on Trump.
Rush Limbaugh says this whole Russian link investigation thing is simply meant as a way to send President Trump a message that he had better lay off the idea of "Drain The Swamp" or they will find some way to impeach him.
All of this stuff sounds to me like the left is running scared as hell.
FBI director Comey is trying to cover his ass and that of many others in our government.
My answer is,,,,,,, Maybe it's time to ramp up the heat just a little more.
If Trump can't Drain the swamp by himself then perhaps some how we could provide a little assistance.
We-The-People elected (HIRED) Donald J Trump to Drain the Swamp. If the democrats and FBI director Comey don't like that idea then I think it's about time the People DEMAND OUR turn to be heard.