
A federal court in Washington, DC, held last week that political appointees appointed by President Obama did interfere with the Department of Justice’s prosecution of the New Black Panther Party.

The ruling came as part of a motion by the conservative legal watch dog group Judicial Watch, who had sued the DOJ in federal court to enforce a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents pertaining to the the New Black Panthers case. Judicial Watch had secured many previously unavailable documents through their suit against DOJ and were now suing for attorneys’ fees.

Obama’s DOJ had claimed Judicial Watch was not entitled to attorney’s fees since “none of the records produced in this litigation evidenced any political interference whatsoever in” how the DOJ handled the New Black Panther Party case. But United States District Court Judge Reggie Walton disagreed. Citing a “series of emails” between Obama political appointees and career Justice lawyers, Walton writes:

The documents reveal that political appointees within DOJ were conferring about the status and resolution of the New Black Panther Party case in the days preceding the DOJ’s dismissal of claims in that case, which would appear to contradict Assistant Attorney General Perez’s testimony that political leadership was not involved in that decision. Surely the public has an interest in documents that cast doubt on the accuracy of government officials’ representations regarding the possible politicization of agency decision-making.

In sum, the Court concludes that three of the four fee entitlement factors weigh in favor of awarding fees to Judicial Watch. Therefore, Judicial Watch is both eligible and entitled to fees and costs, and the Court must now consider the reasonableness of Judicial Watch’s requested award.

The New Black Panthers case stems from a Election Day 2008 incident where two members of the New Black Panther Party were filmed outside a polling place intimidating voters and poll watchers by brandishing a billy club. Justice Department lawyers investigated the case, filed charges, and when the Panthers failed to respond, a federal court in Philadelphia entered a “default” against all the Panthers defendants. But after Obama was sworn in, the Justice Department reversed course, dismissed charges against three of the defendants, and let the fourth off with a narrowly tailored restraining order.

“The Court’s decision is another piece of evidence showing the Obama Justice Department is run by individuals who have a problem telling the truth,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “The decision shows that we can’t trust the Obama Justice Department to fairly administer our nation’s voting and election laws.”

UPDATE: An earlier version of this post reported that the decision was released today. It was released last week.

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  • "Gear Up" for the coming election, Patriots!


    • Clarence;; They've  been  `Geared-Up'  for  over  4  years,  increased  membership  10  fold..!!  Wrong   color  for  them~~  military  `Black  Beret.'  Is  our  freedom  rights..!!

  • This report earlier by Twana earlier parallels the Obama Administrations stance on Blacks in General.......as he tries to divide America ethically and pit Black against White in racial conflict !  I am glad to see the fruits of justice prevail with the Black Panthers....atleast a little.
    "President Barack Obama is also backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals’ behavior"..............To Protect Blacks
    His July 26 executive order established a government panel to promote “a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.”
    “African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline,” said the order, titled “White House Initiative On Educational Excellence.”......Does anyone believe this?????
    Because of those causes, the report suggests, “over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects.”
    “What this means is that whites and Asians will get suspended for things that blacks don’t get suspended for,”
    because school officials will try to level punishments despite groups’ different infraction rates, predicted Hans Bader, a counsel at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Bader is a former official in the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights, and has sued and represented school districts and colleges in civil-rights cases.
     “A disproportionate share of crimes are committed by African Americans, and
    they are disproportionately likely to misbehave in school… [because] more
    than 7 out of 10 African Americans (72.5 percent) are born out of wedlock…
    versus fewer than 3 out of 10 whites,”
    he said in a statement to The Daily
    Caller. Although ” you won’t see it mentioned in the Executive Order… there
    is an obvious connection between these [marriage] numbers and how each group is
    doing educationally, economically, criminally,” he said."
    “It is too bad that the president has chosen to set up a new bureaucracy with a focus on one particular racial group, to the exclusion of all others,” said Roger Clegg, the president of the Center for Equal Opportunity.
    Too bad ?!?!?!?  What in the depths of hell is this?  Pardon my French.  "Too bad".....what about the Constitution !!!  Just another example of flagrant abuse of power by Obama, trashing the Constitution, as he dictates the destruction of America....until his term is over.
    • If you look at what is going on. the fight will be Blacks, Mexicans and Muslims! Not just blacks. Nappy has put so many muslins in office of control, we will be in trouble with them. Love and peace? My ass! If you don't believe as they TELL you to? They kill you! They are taught (brain washed ) to do just that. They are told to lie to make others believe they love all! The one fact we all need to look at? We will not know WHO to fight untill they shoot at you! U.N. will have BLUE HATS on. But the others? Time is short. Get ready to hunker down, or jump in and help your neighbor. The fight is about to start. " I live my life, that when my feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil and muslims say, " OH CRAP!!!  HE IS AWAKE!!! "

  • The only ones getting jobs east of Houston is mexicans and blacks. I see the clerks at the VA are almost 95% black and they have a click going on and bet it's the same in every VA in the nation. I see more whites on the streets begging, blacks and spanish at ALL fast food service and you know most blacks are not bilingual. Can't anyone see what is going on, it's role reversal. It is time for the blacks to run America for the this century, and you can see how big a failure they are starting out. Most whites can't speak spanish and most blacks can't either, but a black will get the job even though they are not bilingual and a white will not get the job because he/she are not bilingual. All the spanish employers are hiring ALL mexican illegal's. Illegal' are getting jobs ahead of citizens. Man, they (the NWO crowd) is doing a fine job on destroying America. Let's not forget that 80% of illegals and their illegal children drive very nice expensive vehicles (the gas guzzelers) thanks to the $30,000 given them to by the IRS,illegally.I NEVER GOTa refund check any larger than $6000 when I was working and now I am retired, I have to pay the IRS. Have to run'em all out of dodge and start over. I think most of the candidates are commie traitors, look at the ones who did nothing from the last election. They were all plants from the NWO crowd.

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