We all know that the MUSLIM TERRORIST are here. Time and time again it has been proven but the authorities will not admit it or do anything about it. So how many more Americans need to needlessly DIE before the Government starts to do anything about it?

Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore.


AP – This image provided by the Mauthnomah County Sheriff's Office shows Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, arrested


PORTLAND, Ore. – Undercover agents in a sting operation stopped a Somali-born teenager from blowing up a van full ofexplosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtownPortland, federal authorities said.

The bomb was a dud supplied by the agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. Friday just after he dialed a cell phone that he thought would set offthe blast but instead brought federal agents and police swooping down onhim.

Yelling "Allahu Akbar!" — Arabic for "God is great!" — Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken intocustody, according to prosecutors.

"The threat was very real," said Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon. "Our investigation showsthat Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on avery grand scale,"

The FBI affidavit that outlined the investigation alleges that Mohamud planned the attack for months, at one point mailingbomb components to FBI operatives, whom he believed were assembling thedevice.

It said Mohamud was warned several times about the seriousness of his plan, that women and children could be killed, andthat he could back out, but he told agents: "Since I was 15 I thoughtabout all this;" and "It's gonna be a fireworks show ... a spectacularshow."

Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen living in Corvallis, was charged with attempted use of a weapon of massdestruction and is scheduled for a court appearance Monday. Few detailswere available about him late Friday.

Authorities allowed the plot to proceed in order to build up enough evidence to charge the suspect with attempt.

Officials didn't say if the suspect had any ties to other Americans recently accused of trying to carry out attacks on U.S.soil, including alleged efforts in May by a Pakistan-born man to set offa car bomb near Times Square or another Pakistan-born Virginia residentaccused last month in a bomb plot to kill commuters.

U.S. Attorney Dwight Holton released federal court documents to The Associated Press and the Oregonian newspaper that showthe sting operation began in June after an undercover agent learned thatMohamud had been in regular e-mail contact with an "unindictedassociate" in Pakistan's northwest, a frontier region where Al Qaida andAfghanistan's Taliban insurgents are strong.

The two used coded language in which the FBI believes Mohamud discussed traveling to Pakistan to prepare for "violent jihad,"the documents said.

In June an FBI agent contacted Mohamud "under the guise of being affiliated with" the suspected terrorist. But thedocuments did not say how federal officials first became aware ofMohamud.

An undercover agent met with him a month later in Portland, where they "discussed violent jihad," according to the courtdocuments.

As a trial run, Mohamud and agents detonated a bomb in Oregon's backcounry earlier this month.

"This defendant's chilling determination is a stark reminder that there are people — even here in Oregon — who aredetermined to kill Americans," Holton said.

Friday, an agent and Mohamud drove to downtown Portland in a white van that carried six 55-gallon drums with detonationcords and plastic caps, but all of them were inert, the complaintstates.

They left the van near the downtown ceremony site and went to a train station where Mohamud was given a cell phone that hethought would blow up the vehicle, according to the complaint. There wasno detonation when he dialed, and when he tried again federal agentsand police made their move.

Omar Jamal, first secretary to the Somali mission to the United Nations,condemned the plot and urged Somalis to cooperate with police and theFBI.

"Talk to them and tell them what you know so we can all be safe," Jamal said.

U.S. authorities have been struggling against a recent spate of terror plans by U.S. citizens or residents.

In the Times Square plot, Faisal Shazhad allegedly tried to set off acar bomb at a bustling street corner. U.S. authorities had nointelligence about Shahzad's plot until the smoking car turned up inManhattan.

Late last month, Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Virginia was arrested andaccused of casing Washington-area subway stations in what he thought wasan al-Qaida plot to bomb and kill commuters. Similar to the Portlandsting, the bombing plot was a ruse conducted over the past six months byfederal officials.

And a year ago in another federal sting, 19-year-old Jordanian HosamSmadi was arrested on charges he intended to bomb a downtown Dallasskyscraper. Federal officials said he placed what he believed was a carbomb outside the building but was instead a decoy device given him by anundercover FBI agent.

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