This is a man whom I respect, has a mind like a bear-trap, and has the budget stats at his fingertip. He also was depicted as the "man throwing granny off the cliff" from a wheelchair. Regardless, he has that ability to galvanize, to excite, and hopefully to better explain their vision for America.

Ryan captured the stage when he took on bozo during the hellcare meeting at Blair House. Not one of the other Republicans could do it. Ryan did it respectfully, and knocked it out of the park with FACTS. I hope he will do what Romney was unsucessful at doing. Is Andrea Saul gone yet?!

Remember him now? He's always been a star in my mind.

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  • If TG is happy, you know we're on the right track! Thanks for constantly sharing your insight. I always enjoy your writeups.

  • At least Romney did not pick Rubio or Jendall who, like Zero, are Constitutionally ineligible for the position.  What Ryan needs to realize is that, if elected, he will be the President of the Senate.  Even if the Dummycrats maintain their lead in the Senate, Ryan can make them bring items to the floor and make them submit a budget.

  • Well, praise the Lord!!! finally someone that it's worth it...he is young and believes in the Constitution, knows what he is talking about when he speaks, and he does it very elocuentely.  Very happywith Romney's choice. The only other one to consider was Marco Rubio, he would have gotten all the hispanic votes.

    • "The only other one to consider was Marco Rubio, ...".  I guess so, IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT OUR CONSTITUTION!

    • Rubio is NOT eligible!

      I don't know where you live; But I live in the Southwest and you have fallen into the same trap as many people who lump  other folks into convenient groups based on race and ethnicity.

      The term "Hispanic" is a convenient way to group Latinos.

      Mexicans, who are close to being the Majority in my state and who are a large force in Southwestern Politics and Culture,are by no means stupid nor are they lemmings to blindly follow someone because he may look and speak the way they do. They are certainly not  going to all vote for Rubio (of Cuban, not Mexican heritage ) becaue they know the difference.  

      Your racist un-educated comment is offensive even to me and I am a Gringo surrounded by the Beautiful Mexican Culture.

      You must be very careful with your stereotyping  of races different from yours.

  • I like Paul Ryan. He really knows what he's talking about BUT why is he doing "business as usual" explaining anything to a USURPER? All of today's politicians continue to conveniently "ignore" the fact that we have A FAKE PRESIDENT! In my opinion, they are all so afraid that they'll lose their cushy jobs if any one of them actually had the ethics and courage to stand up to do what's right.   

  • I also want you to know that your articlesare being re-posted in Care 2- Uncensored one of my groups...

  • I believe now we have a great chance to knock out the Obaminastics...

  • I find "pride in accomplishment" much more palatable then the "free resentment" being served up by the current Admin...

    Romney-Ryan will deliver US from evil,...if we work at it, support them and vote!

    Excellent choice!

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