By Frosty WooldridgeMay 10, 2010NewsWithViews.comIn a whopping “Pinocchio’s nose grows longer than a football field”essay, the Washington Post published a piece by former INScommissioner Doris Meissner, currently a senior fellow at theMigration Policy Institute. She wrote: “5 myths about immigration”5/9/2010.Once again, ‘experts’ of the U.S. Government fail, and fail miserably,to engage the American public with integrity, honesty and service toAmerican citizens.“Despite the fact that we are a nation of immigrants,” said Meissner,“immigration continues to be one of America’s most contentious topics.The new law in Arizona authorizing police to arrest individuals who cannotshow documents proving that they are in the country legally has set off afresh bout of acrimony. But as in the past, much of the debate is foundedon mythology.”Reality check: Americans do not question LEGAL immigration althoughit proves more methodical at 1.5 million annually and more disastrous asit drives this nation toward adding 100 million people within 25 years.Americans resent ILLEGAL immigration. Meissner stands “up and away”from reality by making such an egregious statement.THE FIVE MYTHS BY MEISSNER THAT AVOID REALITY1. “Immigrants take jobs away from Americans”“Although legal immigrants account for 12.5 percent of the U.S. Population,they make up 15 percent of the work-force,” said Meissner.“As a result of this growth, economists estimate that wages for the vast majorityof American workers are slightly higher than they would be without immigration.”Reality check:Over 20 million Americans suffer unemployment with 35 million Americanssubsisting on food stamps. Millions of Americans suffer home foreclosuresbecause they cannot secure jobs. That means those Americans must besupported by working Americans through taxes.The fact remains:Immigrants DO take jobs from Americans. Ten to twelve million fully employedillegal alien migrants displace Americans from jobs and they undercut wagesas they work off the books. Over 20 million Americans remain unemployed.But, as Katie Couric announced, the U.S. adds only 95,000 jobs monthly.However, the U.S. Congress adds 150,000 to 180,000 legal immigrants every30 days. Therefore, those immigrants take jobs away from Americans and wecannot possibly catch up to hire Americans to create full employment.Ms. Meissner needs to go back to sixth grade math to understand the numbers.2. “Immigration is at an all time high, and most new immigrants came illegally”“Today, two-thirds of immigrants are here legally,” said Meissner.Reality check:In 2004, Time Magazine’s Pulitzer Prize winning writers Donald Barlett and Jim Steele, wrote, “What happened?” September 20, 2004. They investigated illegal immigrationin that year to equal a whopping: “Three million illegal migrants crossed U.S. borders.It’s fair to estimate, based on a Time investigation, that the number of illegal aliensflooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million—enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year.”Those numbers, because of the economic downturn, dropped to 1.0 million in 2009.An enormous 40 percent of illegal aliens arrive with legal green cards and visas,but overstay and melt into their racial enclaves to remain illegal for as long as they like.In order to remain, the women birth ‘anchor babies’ at a cost along with other servicesof $346 billion annually to U.S. taxpayers.(Source: Edwin Rubenstein Report, “Today’s immigrants are not integrating into American life like past waves did”“Today, as before, immigrant integration takes a generation or two,” said Meissner.Reality check:Most Americans must press ‘1’ for Spanish and ‘2’ for English across the country,which shows that not only are immigrants not assimilating, their numbers accelerateso fast, they refuse to speak English and work within our society as integral aspects.They remain outside of American life by their linguistic recalcitrant choices.4. “Cracking down on illegal border crossings will make us safer”“Since 9/11, we have dramatically strengthened our borders,” said Meissner.Reality check:In four of the past five years, I personally inspected the borders from Brownsville,Texas to San Diego, California. We have done NOTHING of any significance tosecure the borders. Let me repeat that: NOTHING! Over $75 to $100 billion indrugs crosses the southern border annually and 700,000 plus illegal alienscontinue to cross our border from Mexico annually. It’s astounding this ladyenjoyed publication in major newspapers of her ‘myths’ by perpetrating outrightlies about those myths.5. “Immigration reform cannot happen in an election year"“Ruling out immigration reform, whether because Congress has otherpriorities or because it’s an election year would be a mistake,” said Meissner.Reality check:To give her the benefit of the doubt, she may be correct. However, the angerand acrimony in Washington, DC today over the health care bill being passed—certainly provides an excoriating environment for immigration reform.First of all, the past four presidents and Congresses failed to enforce the 1986immigration amnesty. We do not entertain any chance that this current presidentor Congress would enforce our borders after yet another amnesty.For anyone that might not appreciate HOW deep our predicament,please watch Roy Beck video “Immigration by the Numbers” below for a look atwhat we face. His 14 minute video will show you the futility and insanity of continuedmass immigration whether legal or illegal from a line that grows by 77 million annuallyof poverty stricken people searching for a ‘better life’ in America. You won’t find anymedia talking about it or addressing it.They run from, avoid, evade and ignore it at all costs.But if we ignore it as a civilization, immigration will inject 70 million third world peopleand their cultures of poverty into this country by 2035—a scant 25 years from now.We cannot sustain that number and we most certainly will not survive it with any hopefor the continuation of the American Dream for our children.

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