Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

According to a brief investigation into a FOIA request 177-page document dump sent to USWGO on whom the DHS profiles in regards to,,, GCNlive radio, and, Infowars is mainly demonized and watched by the DHS Fusion centers. The email can be read in PDF format here detailing the whole FOIA Request. In 2011 it was a cat and mouse game where replies came that the requested subject was too broad of a subject and to narrow down the subjects and types of groups and even which kinds of people are being profiled by the Fusion Centers all over the country, Fusion Centers are apart of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS or DHOS) and Office of Intelligence & Analysis (OIA or I&A). On October 5, 2011 the request was narrowed down to just four websites and a radio station to which has the Alex Jones Show radio program.

Also it appears that the identities of the email senders and even the domain of the email addresses are redacted, including certain information across the board of the request dump documents. The reason this is called a request dump is because it is a bunch of documents found by search by the FOIA Request and pretty much were all sent together as a whole. The entire 177 pages are sorted into 12 Documents so it can get a little confusing unless you know what exactly to look for. That is what this article and any future article is going to do is narrow down the most important areas to read and even specify which page if needed.

First of all it has been examined that emails were exchanged by what appears to be those either in the DHS or OIA field were sharing reports by Infowars, and other websites including Southern Poverty Law Center and even WorldNetDaily.

One document highlighted by my analysis is the "Amtrak Intelligence Team" document sent to me which highlights the Opposition to “See Something, Say Something” campaign by the DHS. If you've seen Janet Napolitano brag in Walmart Tele-screens' and even YouTube about how Walmart will work with the DHS to encourage people to spy and report on others at Walmart just because someone may look suspicious stirring up paranoia, then you pretty much know what I am talking about. It mainly highlights Alex Jones as being the main forces in opposition to the “See Something, Say Something” campaign with his "V for Victory" contest. The DHS even takes footnotes of the Infowars "V for Victory" Facebook page as well. That is according to Document 6 of the DHS Document dump.

Note: Cropped screen capture of Page 3 of Document 6 which appears to be a intelligence manual by the Amtrak police titled the "Opposition to “See Something, Say Something”" from the Amtrak Intelligence Team. This image shows Sample Posters for the “V for Victory” Campaign by Alex Jones of,, and

Document 5 clearly highlights information released by the Suthern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which means that the DHS collects intelligence from the SPLC public website. Doc 5 highlights the SPLC's intelligence report on Richard Andrew Poplawski, a accused cop killer and what the SPLC considers a hate crime, was interested in Infowars and Prison Planet. Jones is also referred to as a conspiracy theorist by the SPLC and this was one of the public articles that the DHS and OIA is taking a interest in when gathering intelligence about political figures in what the DHS refers to as possible "right-wing extremism". Another SPLC quote was that they claimed "Infowars and Prison Planet, that specialize in a series of the kind of paranoid ideas that animated the militia movement of the1990s." Alex Jones has never promoted violence and paranoia but only says the sheer facts from documents, witnesses and sources, and other information he himself gathers on a daily basis when not relaxing with his family. The fact that these FOIA request documents have came out is proof that the DHS and fusion centers are watching Jones with an interest of being profiled. The fact the DHS is even storing propaganda from the SPLC in fusion center records is a call for concern. That means if I ever get added to s fusion center database, propaganda from websites like SPLC will be stored on me for possible legal scrutiny under the guise of stopping domestic extremism even though I break no laws and never made a call for violence. Further reading the article dump reveals that "Pittsburgh police say a man wearing a bulletproof vest opened fire on officers during a domestic disturbance call, killing three of them." Just like with the Aurora theater shooting, the police claim it was a nutjob wearing a bulletproof vest that goes crazy and shoots cops after he reads stuff from Alex Jone's websites Infowars and Prison Planet. It sounds like the DHS fusion centers is building a case on Alex Jones based on propaganda and nutjob shooters. If that ain't hilarious then continue to read on in this article as a few more insane DHS intelligence gathering reports are analyzed.

Document 2 points out a scary act of possible extremism inside a court house, Wanna hear what this scary act could be? a "9/11 was an inside job' sticker was posted on a mirror inside a court restroom. Remember posting a 9/11 inside job sticker is considered a "Suspicious activity" by the Intelligence office and the DHS. One DHS agent said in email "Please see the attached photo reflecting a 9-11 sticker propaganda, which found by cleaning personnel. The sticker was applied on a mirror, inside a restroom, 2nd floor of mitchell courthouse, Baltimore City Circuit Court", also stated "Could you please let me know if I&A, SLPO and other LE/IC partners have reported similar activities? The sticker reads the following: 9-11 Was an Inside Job Learn the truth at". So now the DHS can investigate on anyone who has posted "9/11 was an inside job" posters or stickers in public places and buildings. The sticker couldn't even be removed until one DHS employee hears from another which is likely the agent in charge of the investigation, one agent said "I am going to stand by on the removal of the sticker until I hear from you." So now posting 9/11 truth or 9/11 investigation stickers and posters in legal and lawful areas is considered propaganda and suspicious? Wow so you can't question authority without being investigated.


The last thing this article will point out is Document 10, Page 43, to which a DHS "Right Wing Extremism" manual lists "Hardin" as one of the topics of concern. Shows a front page screenshot and talk about under "American Police Force" how "Conspiracy theorists believe this is the new location for the FEMA camp." This is regarding the investigation by Alex Jones of the Hardin Montano American Police Force which is actually a private police force that put stickers on their SUV's that made it look as though it was a regular police force patrolling the town of Hardin, highlighted on Police State 4, the Rise of FEMA, documentary by Alex Jones. So apparently that investigation is entirely thrown out by the DHS as merely a 'Conspiracy Theory'. The fact that Alex Jones is considered a conspiracy theorist and even listed in a "Right Wing Extremism" manual shows the ignorance of the DHS to even acknowledge the facts that Jones presents in and in his documentary Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA.

Don't believe me read Page 43 of Document 10 or see the screenshot below.

Note: Cropped screen capture of Page 43 of 57 of Document 10 which appears to be a DHS "Right Wing Extremism" intelligence manual by the DHS. This image shows front page screenshot of, being referred to as conspiracy theorists.

This is all USWGO has for a brief analysis of the large scale Data Dump straight from the DHS. If you don't believe the authenticity then you can call Tony R. Tucker at the DHS and confirm the FOIA request ID number, along with whether he sent 177 pages, and then that confirms the credibility of USWGO's first major FOIA Request release.

Also this is in direct connection to PRIV 11-1125, listed publicly in the DHS FOIA Request List PDF at It is quoted below:

Page 161: "On August 2, 2011, Brian D. Hill, Head reporter and founder of USWGO an alternative news site, requested from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) public records regarding any Political profiling documents that specify what groups are monitored under fusion centers all over the country and which kinds of people are profiled." under the Category of FOIA.

FOIA Request Document dump from the DHS and OIA:

All documents were sent in parts on August 17, 2012. They are made public under Public Domain and can be pasted onto any website as a whole. No rights are reserved to share these documents anywhere you like.

Documents released courtesy of Tony R. Tucker a FOIA/Records Officer for the DHS and Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), and a FOIA Request by Reporter Brian D. Hill under USWGO Alternative News. Under the FOIA Request ID of 11-OIA-1125.

Final Notification of FOIA Request sent to USWGO - PDF

Document 1 - PDF

Document 2 - PDF

Document 3 - PDF

Document 4 - PDF

Document 5 - PDF

Document 6 - PDF

Document 7 - PDF

Document 8 - PDF

Document 9 - PDF

Document 10 - PDF

Document 11 - PDF

Document 12 - PDF

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