Former Navy SEALs are speaking out after President Barack Obama referred to recent events in the Middle East, including the deaths of two former Navy SEALs, as "bumps in the road."


Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty were providing security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya when it was attacked on 9/11. They were both hailed in the aftermath of the attacks by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Both had gone into private security after retiring from the Navy after distinguished careers.

Former SEAL and current Montana State Senator Ryan Zinke issued the following statement:

The President refuses to admit that his policy of appeasement and apology has failed.  The murder of our Ambassador and two former Navy SEALs is more than a "bump in the road," it is a global catastrophe where America is seen as being weak and vulnerable by our enemies. This President has failed to establish a red line for Iran's nuclear ambitions and has failed to recognize the scale and implications of the attacks against us. Reagan had it right: don't negotiate with terrorists and recognize the clear and present danger of not being willing to act or lead from the front.

Zinke has been a frequent critic of President Obama's foreign policy, and started a super PAC, Special Operations for America, that has released ads to that effect, including an ad highlighting Obama's bows to foreign monarchs.

Beyond the political debate, however, Navy SEALs are also a close-knit brotherhood, and do not take kindly to disrespect when lives are lost. President Obama's "bumps in the road" comment is particularly chafing because of the credit he has taken for the success of the SEALs in the raid against Osama bin Laden. 

They are heroes when they return, and heroes when they fall--not just when it is politically convenient for those in power.

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  • IT'S ABOUT damn time someone spoke up for America! If Reagan were here, he would have stomped their  sandy butts! Thank you Senator Zinke! Thank you for expressing how MOST of the US feels, we do NOT apologize! It is a catastrophe, we are not weak and we are only vulnerable because our so called Commander in Chief has made us be that way. Am I the only one feeling this way? Hello....

  • Dissention among the troops, past and present is a good thing!

    Unfortunely name calling is not the answer.

    And allowing ANY US or State official be they judge,administrator or politician to "JUST" retire is a huge mistake.

    Someone must pay for this infraction of American Justice or we will be simply adding another chapter to the book on overthrowing America.

    All priviledge and no penalty cannot nor will not stand. If we allow these people to walk, we are as guilty as they are.

    You may be forgiving to a fault.... I am not! Capital crimes deserve nothing less than capital punishment.

    My forgiving powers ran out a long time ago.

    Anything less will be inviting another attempt sooner rather than later.

  • While I am on my high horse or is this a soap box?

    Why is it that "it is about time someone spoke up for America"? or "We need more of these guys to run for office"?

    This is exactly the mentality that allowed this country to get where it is today, asking/waiting for some one else to do the job.

    I am well past my prime(68) and it took 60 years of age to see things as they really are.I will admit that I was a big part of todays problem without knowing it.

    Had I a chance to do it over I would be doing, not asking, someone else to do the job that needs done. Two years in the US Army is NOT enough public service. What we have is what you get when you wait for someone else to do the job.

    Do as I have done,.. look in the mirror and admit to yourself that YOU screwed up, now it is up to me to fix it.

    Do not ask or expect someone to do something you are not willing to do yourself.

    You have but one life to live,... make it count!

    What I want to say, I cannot say, but you can still  think it.

    As a last thought. If hind sight is 20/20 why do we keep repeating our mistakes?

    • John Paul Beard, I use the term it's about damn time someone stood up for America.... I say that because my "level in society" has done nothing but made trouble for myself. I have a big mouth who doesn't know when to shut it up. I get myself into more trouble than I can deal with on my own. And one person alone causing tiny mud puddles for herself and family isn't enough. As you said, I know when to say I screwed up. I did, have done so and will probably continue to do so... but I won't stop my fighting. I've admitted it. Now I need others to stand up with me and say hey, yeah, I've screwed up to, let's get our act  together and get this done. The Senator got my praise because he's been the first one to have been unafraid to do this. I didn't vote for Obama in 2008 and I sure as hell not voting for him this time either! Anyone else want to team up and get him out? Let's not wait for someone else to get to  it, let's get to it ourselves....

      • Dear Wendy,

        At times I let my mouth overload my,... what's that thingamajig back there?

        I get so frustrated that NOT ONE of our US politicians,NOT ONE of our Military leaders,NOT ONE of our courts will even question this impostor,embezzler.

        I have thought about this very much, why has NO ONE picked up the Guidon? What are they afraid of?

        I absolutely do NOT believe everyone can be bought but I DO believe everyone involved can be threatened into submission, supposedly for OUR own good.

        Either I have the answer or one heck of a James Bond, Jason Bourne novel.

        It would not require that many participants to threaten our non obama leaders into submission.(politicians, courts)

        Wanna hear it?

        Perhaps off site if possible.

        Is it possible that you know or are related to a man named JB,or is that a coincedence?

        There are no coincedences in life, just a lot of Williams in the world.


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