To My Fellow Patriots, we need your help:
The New York Times printed an article in May of this year entitled "US Tries to Reintegrate Taliban Soldiers."
In a nutshell, our military is allowing terrorists taken off the battlefield, who have admitted to killing American Soldiers, to sign a Pledge TOGETHER WITH THE VILLAGE ELDERS, that they won't return to the battlefield, and then the terrorist is returned to his mother! This is outrageous! So the terrorists go home while our Soldiers continue to sit in Leavenworth and our mothers, American mothers, cry themselves to sleep at night! What is even worse is that the entire trial for the terrorist takes 30 minutes while our Soldiers and their families accrue enormous legal fees and travel expenses trying to defend their Hero! This is an outrage!
Below is an online petition that William Kelly and Veteran Steve Ruggiero of Kelly's Truth Squad (Washington Times) have put up online. They agree that what is good enough for the terrorists should be good enough for our Sons! We demand our Soldiers in Leavenworth be afforded the same courtesy and compassion that is being shown to the terrorists. Let THE AMERICAN PUBLIC BE THE VILLAGE ELDERS FOR THE 8 REMAINING SOLDIERS WHO MAKE UP THE LEAVENWORTH TEN AND SIGN THE PLEDGE SO THAT THESE SOLDIERS CAN BE RETURNED TO THEIR FAMILIES!
Please click on the link below and sign this petition and forward this all over the universe. Please post this on websites and just keep this moving! To all the Veterans Groups out there, We intend to present this petition to the Secretary of the Army with a Cover Letter from any and all Veterans Groups who will stand with us! Please stand with us in support of your brothers. As Diana West pointed out in her article dated May 31st:
"If this exercise dampens the barbecue-season kickoff, good. Maybe it will help Americans see the urgent need for clemency in these cases. And particularly given the mind-boggling fact that the United States has released and granted clemency in Iraq to tens of thousands of insurgents, including some of the most dangerous fighters our soldiers were sent to fight in the first place.
This is a scolding from a mother whose Son served 4 deployments in this "war on terror": This military and this government had better start worrying about appeasing the mothers of the Warriors of this country because if this double standard continues, they won't have any future Warriors to fight their wars!
> With A Mother's Heart,
> Beverly Perlson
> The Band of Mothers
> Motto: Warriors Come From Warriors!
Please click on the link below and sign this petition and forward this all over the universe. Please post this on websites and just keep this moving! To all the Veterans Groups out there, We intend to present this petition to the Secretary of the Army with a Cover Letter from any and all Veterans Groups who will stand with us! Please stand with us in support of your brothers. As Diana West pointed out in her article dated May 31st:
"If this exercise dampens the barbecue-season kickoff, good. Maybe it will help Americans see the urgent need for clemency in these cases. And particularly given the mind-boggling fact that the United States has released and granted clemency in Iraq to tens of thousands of insurgents, including some of the most dangerous fighters our soldiers were sent to fight in the first place.
This is a scolding from a mother whose Son served 4 deployments in this "war on terror": This military and this government had better start worrying about appeasing the mothers of the Warriors of this country because if this double standard continues, they won't have any future Warriors to fight their wars!
> With A Mother's Heart,
> Beverly Perlson
> The Band of Mothers
> Motto: Warriors Come From Warriors!
The Obama has made a laughing stock of this country overseas and condoning these actions would do more harm to the United States than you might realize. I do not agree with the handling of terrorists, but this is something that politicians have agreed to, but that doesn’t make it right.
When we start acting like the people we are trying to defeat then we have lost everything.
Most people see terrorism as the Islamic butchers that load themselves with explosives and walk into a school, market place, building, and kill and maim innocent people...with cold, calculated pupose of killing any and everybody, man, woman and child....or who fly planes into buildings killing nothing but innocents of all nations.
Our warriors for the most part are political pawns and a select few are proof to the adversary that we prosecute our military...whether they're guilty or not in some about the Haditha Marines?? Murtha is the one that should have been prosecuted but he has met his judgment.
Recent action by the several Administrations gives me cause to doubt the credibility of government having the best interests of America as a major objective.......
I give our warriors the benefit of the doubt, given the chaos, uncertainty, and often conflicting ROE in combat........