Freedom and Liberty - definitions.

Defining freedom and liberty



a: The quality or state of being free:
b: Freedom from physical restraint:

c: Freedom from arbitrary or despotic control:

d: The positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges:

e: The power of choice: 


1: The quality or state of being free: as

            a: The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action:

b: Liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another: INDEPENDENCE. 

How do you define freedom and liberty?
These are only the definitions given in the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. Only the so-called- written stated language definitions. But freedom and liberty have differing meanings according to each and every one that you ask.  For example I define freedom (partially) as my free ability to make my own choices about what I do in my life. Everything from what car do I want, where do I chose to live, what type or kind of work do I want to do, where would I like to work, or who do I chose to work for. What kind and extent of education do I want? Can I make my own decisions about who to marry or spend my life with? What about my freedom to chose what (if any) religion to practice? Do I have the freedom to make my own decisions?

These are only a small part of my personal meanings of freedom and liberty.

Each of us has our own definitions and meanings for these words. These are far more than simple words written in the English language or written down some place in either a dictionary or even in our Constitution. Words have meanings far more significant than that given in a dictionary, and freedom and liberty carry perhaps the most significant meanings of any words in the English language, particularly to Americans.

Words do have meanings. Among those meanings also comes to consequences and the rewards of the choices that we make.

The choices and decisions I have made during the course of my life have perhaps not always been the wisest or the best decisions or perhaps the most profitable, but at least they were MY choices, MY decisions. Over all and at this point my life the decisions I have made have collectively turned out fairly well. Not everything has always been great, but when all is said and done I haven’t done too bad. I have a beautiful wife, a nice home. I have pretty much everything anyone would usually ever need to be comfortable. I’ve been very fortunate in my life and have pretty much everything and anything I want, at least for right now anyway.

The life styles and decisions I have been able to make that have lead to my good fortune were made possible only because of the type and structure of the type of Government our founding fathers established 236 years ago. Plus the fact that we have somehow managed to hold onto that free Republic, at least up to this point. We owe that continuing longevity and existence of our Free Republic to many thousands of men and women who have given everything to preserve and protect it for us. Those freedoms and liberty have been preserved and passed down to us at a tremendous cost to a great many people. The saying that “Freedom is not free” certainly rings true. And none of us should ever forget it.

As Americans we have been taught that freedom and liberty among others are rights granted to us by our creator. These rights and freedoms are NOT inferred upon us by our government. But governments can and will take these rights away if we allow them to do so. Another old saying states that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. And this one is also very true. Today those “unalienable rights” endowed by our Creator are once again in peril. There are those who once again have come forth to declare that they, and not some invisible Creator, should be permitted to govern and administer our rights, freedoms, and liberties. They think that somehow they have been granted some kind of special knowledge or some sort of superior status in life and society that grants them the right and privilege and authority to dictate what rights and privileges the rest of us will have, or not have.

To that I have a very simple question:

Mister Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, and all the rest of these people in Washington and Chicago:




Unless and until you can answer that question to our satisfaction:



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